Aj Pov:

As soon as the twins turned a corner and were out of sight I couldn't hold my inner fangirl back anymore and whisper shouted "Oh my fucking god Grayson asked me for my number...I can't beliefe this happened"

"This is so unreal" Clara gasped

"Meen are you ok?" I asked her cause she just stood there staring down the road the twins walked down.

"Meeeeeeen!!" I tried it again when she didn't aswer the first time wich caused her to finally snap out of her trance.

"Hmm...what?" she asked confused

"I asked if you were ok cause you seemed off" I answerd

"Sorry I just got lost in my thoughts..." she explained her weird behavior "Ethan asked me for my number" she then added sounding like she couln't beliefe that it really happened.

"I know it's amazing and I can't beliefe what happened either but we really need to get back to the hotel now before our dad kills us" Clara said

"Oh fuck i totally forgot about that" I gasped "Let's go!"

And with that we all started running back to the hostel wich luckily wasn't that far away.

Only about 2 minutes later we arrived at the gate in front of the hostel trying to catch our breaths while Clara typed the security passcode in so we could go through and into the entrance of the hostel.

After jogging up to the main doors and walking through them into the lobby and to our rooms I took one last deep breath preparing myself to face my angry dad and opened the door with our keycard.

What i didn't expect to see was that the whole room was dark and my dad was asleep snoring lightly in his bed.

We all sighed out in relive and giggled lightly at the view.

Walking through the dark room to grab our toiletries without waking my dad up was actually very hard but we luckily somehow managed to do it.

After getting ready for bed (changing into sweatpants, removing our makeup, washing our faces and brushing our teeth), in the bathroom next to our room, we tiptoed back and got into our beds.

But since Meen and me were just too hyped to sleep we decided to just sit on the top bunk of our shared bunkbed and stay up on our phones together.

After whisper fangirling a bit about the twins and everything that happened today we were now each on our own phone.

I was just going through my twitter when I got a whatsapp notification saying that I had a new message from an unknown number.

I think I never opened whatsapp faster in my whole life and when I saw the persons profilpicture my heart skipped a beat.

It actually was Grayson who messaged me this is soooo unreal but I can't open his message just now cause it would come of as weird if i read it instantly.

So I safe his number in my contacts first and then I just stare at my phonescreen while squeaking silently which causes Meen to look at my phone curiously.

"Omg he massaged you" she fangirls as silent as possible and suddenly huggs me tightly

"This really happened....this isn't just some kind of twisted dream" I whisper hugging her back

"Yeah" she whispers into my shoulder "now open it dumbass" she laughs

"Oh yeah..." i say opening his message

Texts Grayson/Aj:

G: hey it's Grayson..I just wanted to ask how everything went with your dad and stuff :)

A: Hii..it went good he actually was already asleep when we came back. :) Sorry btw that we had to leave so suddenly :(

G: Haha that's good to hear..and it's okay it's not your fault your dad wanted you back...even tho I would have loved to spend more time with you :)

"Aww omg he's so cute" Meen who was reading the messages over my shoulder squeeled

"I know right" I whispered smiling while I replying to Grays message

A: aww I would have loved that...but now it's too late :(

G: Hmm maybe it's not too late cause E and I are still out and about in the City and your dad is asleep so you could sneak out and we could meet up again. Only if you want to of course....

Not knowing what I should answer I let my thumbs hover over the screen.

Of course I wanted to go but if my dad notices we were gone he's be sooo mad...but this is a one time chance..

Before i coule think about it longer Meen said "say yes you idiot...we'll never get a chance like this again so fuck the consequences"

"Okay you're right" i sighned answering Gray

A: Ok we're doing it...can we meet up at the burgershop again?

G: yeah i think we can find the way back there again :)

A: amazing...see you in a few :)

G: can't wait :)

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