Meen Pov:

When Grayson and Ethan came back with our food and placed it on the table in front of us we just said a quick "thanks guys" before digging right in.

I soon nocticed E looking at our sweet potato fries hungrily "You can have some if you want" I said motioning at the plate of fries.

"Nah it's fine our food will arrive soon too" he declined politely but he was still looking at them every few seconds

"Just take some I don't mind and I'm pretty sure Clara doesn't mind either." I said smiling at him

"You sure?" he asked still slightly unsure if he should eat some or not

"Yeah 100%" I answerd and Clara just nodded

"Okay thanks guy I honestly am starving" he said while grabbing a fry and dipping it into the ketchup "you can have some of my stuff later too if you want" he added before shoving the fry into his mouth which caused me to laugh silently.

It didn't take long for the twins food to be done too and after they got it we were just talking and having a laugh while munching on our burgers and fries.

Even after we were done we were still sitting there having an absolutely amazing time with the twins.

Me mainly talking to Ethan while Aj was talking to Grayson which caused Clara to be a bit left out but she didn't really seem to mind.

I had an amazing time with Ethan and he was even funnier in real life than in their videos.

I could tell that Aj had an amazing time too cause she and Grayson were laughing a lot and talking like they've known each other for years and not only a few hours.

Even a blind person could tell that they are perfect for each other, they have the same humour and they're both crazy dorks and they laugh about literally everything the other one says.

I really hope Gray notices that Aj is something special and that he won't meet a girl like her again soon, so they better stay in touch after tonight.

We didn't even realize how late it got until Clara suddenly said "Fuck we need to get back to the hostel asap"

"Why what's wrong" I ask slightly concerned

"My dad just texted me asking where we are" Clara says while typing rapidly on her phone probably replying to her dad.

"Oh shit" Aj says now also glancing at her phone "he seems kinda pissed so we should hurry up"

"Ok sorry guys but we gotta go now" I say in a really sad voice

I don't want to leave just yet I really wish we could stay here with the boys forever and the worst thing about this all is that we'll probably never see them again.

Since we already paid earlier on we all got up and walked out of the small burgershop into the cold night air.

"It was nice meeting you guys but we really have to leave now" Clara said

With that said the boys hugged her quickly saying their goodbyes and turned to hug Aj.

After hugging Aj goodbye Ethan turned to me hugging me tightly and whispering "I loved talking to you today and I really wanna stay in touch so could I maybe get your phone number?" in my ear

Omfg did Ethan freaking Dolan just ask me for my phone number....okay I need to stay calm now.

"Yeah sure" I answered smiling

"Oh good" he said sounding kinda relieved while handing me his phone so I could put my number in.

When I was done and handed him his phone back he grinned widely and pulled me into another tight hug wich caused my heart to flutter.

When we seperated from the hug again Grayson came over to hug me too before they both walked away waving at us one last time.

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