Story 1) Chance

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Beast boy just woke up and it was noon.

Wow...for once I actually got up early.

He thought to himself as he carelessly got out of bed, still half asleep.

As he was walking towards the common room he noticed Raven, as usual, having her tea in the morning sitting on the table reading a book she seemed to enjoy.

"Mornin' Rae." Beast boy said joyfully.

"How many times do I have to tell you that my name is Raven, not Rae." Raven complained.

"Uh...sorry Raven." Beast boy apologized as he left the common room with tofu in his hand.

Why do I feel so awkward being near Raven? Beast boy thought to himself as he strolled towards his room.

"Cy, I need your help." Beast boy said the next day entering Cyborg's room.

"Is everything okay?" He asked worried.

"Uh... kinda. I'm just confused." Beast boy said looking down.

"About what?" Cyborg asked coming closer to the green changeling in front of him.

"I kinda-"


"Dude I- NO! We're not even dating, but it does have something to do with Raven." Beast boy confessed.

"Well, dude what is it?"

"Uh... I kinda...kinda-" Beast boy stuttered.

"Kinda what? Have a crush on Raven?" Cyborg questioned wiggling his eyebrows.

"Uh..yeah and-"

"I KNEW IT!" Cyborg interrupted, yelling really loudly.

"DUDE! For once stop interrupting me and let me talk! I was going to ask you advice on how to ask Raven out on a date but I guess if you're not going to take it seriously I might as well just figure it out solo and probably mess up." Beast boy said storming out of Cyborg's room.

Who knew he could be so serious about something. Cyborg thought to himself.

- Time Skip -

"I think I got it." Beast boy said to himself in front of his mirror in his room.

It has been a week and Beast boy was trying to figure out places to take Raven out on a date..if she was going to say yes.

The library? Nah. He'll get bored and fall asleep.
The book café? Nope. Same thing.
Arcade? OH YES! But Raven wouldn't like it.

"ARGH! How is this so hard?!" Beast boy yelled to himself.

"Beast boy can you be more quiet I'm trying to read in my room." Said a familiar female voice.

We all know who I'm talking about.

"Uh...yeah sure Rae." Replied Beast boy. As soon as he heard footsteps going away he started banging his head against the wall.

- Another time skip -

Okay, I'm going to do it. He thought to himself.

I'm going to ask her out and I'm not going to be a chicken about it.

He approached Raven's door and knocked very quietly.

Might as well try again.

He knocked a big louder this time hoping there will be an answer.
Just as he thought of it she opened the door but just revealed half of her face.

"What do you want Beast boy?" Raven asked in her monotone voice.

"I just wanted to ask if you... uh." Beast boy stuttered.

"Are you okay? And what's behind your hands?" Raven asked curiously.

"Just...would you like to go on a date with me tonight!?" Beast boy asked very quickly.

"I-uh... did you just ask what I think you did?" Raven questioned him.

"Yeah.. I did." He said standing up straighter than he was.

"FINE! But don't get the wrong idea." Raven responded closing her bedroom door.

"BE READY BY SEVEN!" Beast boy yelled being proud by what he accomplished.

Oh wait! I forgot to give her something.

He knocked on her door again.

"What now?"

"I needed to give you something quickly." He said extending his hand out to reveal a black rose.

"I- uh I don't know what to say." She responded surprised.

"I can take it back if you-"

By astonishment, Raven kissed him on the cheek.

"See ya at seven." She smiled closing her door.


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