CiCi Big Day

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CiCi in m/m

4 months later

It's finally my big day and I'm excited Jazzy, Aug, Chris and Royalty just flew in last night. Aug and Chris joined Russell in his bachelor party and Jazzy and Yas joined me in my bachelorette party y'all know Cj was with us.

"CiCi you ready for me to beat this face."


"Where's Future."

"With my momma along with Royalty we'll be seeing them soon actually my momma wanted to give us some time alone before they came in," my stylist got started on my hair while Cj did my makeup.

"Jazzy how far along are you."

"4 months today actually."

"How you feeling."

"Right now I'm good last night after the bachelorette party I felt horrible and I threw up."

"That's what happens tho."

"Yeah the Dr. V. said that I would have morning sickness."

"Dr. V. came to New Orleans."


"Okay so the baby is good."

"Yes the baby is growing right and is very healthy I just wish I could sleep without waking up to grow throw up."

"I was like that."

"My question is how momma Pam feel about this."

"She's excited to finally be a grandma and she's actually moving to Atlanta to give me and Aug a hand with the baby when he/she comes."

"Okay that's good and what about Aug."

"I feel bad for him because while he's out getting me food I call him and tell him I change my mind so I be having him and T or him and Mike riding mall over Atlanta getting food enough about me CiCi how did you and Russell meet you never told us."

"I was on tour actually he had came in with one of my dancers and he was just sitting in my dressing room watching me in the mirror as I was getting ready to go onstage and right before I went on he told me that we would date and eventually get married at first I just laughed him off because I had a show to do. After my show I did the meet and greet with the fans that had backstage passes then after I changed Russell was waiting for me outside my dressing room door. He asked me out to dinner the next night since it was late and I agreed and we hit it off."


"I know right and we've practiced abstinence since we started dating and tonight it's going to be on I waited because I love Russell and I know tonight is going to special for the both of us.

"Most definitely."

Cj finished getting my makeup right and my hairstylist finished my hair I stood up just as my door opened and my momma walked in along with momma Wilson. I walked over to my dress with them right behind me Jazzy was supposed to help me get dressed along with my momma and Russell's momma but she's in the bathroom and Yas is with her.

I can feel the love in the air right now and this ring that I have in my pocket is driving me nuts I know what I want and Jazzy is Mrs. Alsina that is if she says yes. Russell walked up to me with Future right behind him.

"Aug what's on your mind."

"This ring that you helped me pick out cause I was slow at choosing a ring for Jazzy."

"Go on."

"I don't know when to propose to Jazzy I was thinking before the wedding or after."

"Go ahead and do it now since Jazzy momma is here."

"Right I totally forgot that CiCi and Jazzy are best friends for a split second."

"You're nervous it happens," I nodded.

"So I should go propose now right."

"Yeah go ahead," I nodded and walked out of the room.

I made my way over to the suite where CiCi is getting dressed and I'm literally shaking in my Armani shoes cause it can go either way. I knocked on the door and Cj opened the door.

"Come in," he opened the door wider and I walked in CiCi stopped talking and looked at me with worry all over her face.

"Aug what's wrong wait is something wrong no is Future okay."

"Nothing is wrong and Future is fine I'm here for Jazzy."

"Aug what are you doing here," Jazzy finally looked up at me I walked over to where she was I bent down in front of her.

"Jazzy you know I love you and our baybeh I said this plenty of times I know what I want in life and that's you by my side. No woman is for me you're it," she cut me off.

"Aug you're rambling get out what you have to say."

"Jazzywillyoumarryme," I said fast making everyone look at me.

"Did you just ask me to marry you."

"Yeah," I got the ring out of my pocket and opened the box.

"Aww I can't believe this happening right now."

"Even tho it's my day Jazzy your ass better say yes."

"That's right hunty let these bitches know that you Aug's."

"So what do you say Jazzy will you marry me."

"Yes," I smiled and placed the ring on her finger and we kissed.

"Congratulations now that y'all are engaged can we get me to the alter now."

"Yeah I gotta get back see you soon baybeh love you."

"Love you too."

I stood up and fixed my suit I kissed Jazzy again and walked out of the CiCi suite heading back to Russell suite so that we can get in positions for the wedding.

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