Getting Ashanti Gifts Put Away

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Yas finished up the games now it's time for us to eat then open up all of the gifts everyone got for Ashanti then it's time to go. I hired a clean up staff to clean everything up for us. Everyone fixed them something to eat I had me and Jazzy plate of food while she had our drinks and her desserts. We walked over to our table and sat down we said a silent prayer to ourselves and began eating.

"Two more months then we'll be welcoming our baby girl into this world."

"Yeah have you decided on your birthing plan yet because we'll have to let Dr. V know either the natural plan or cesarean section.

"I'm doing the natural plan Aug."

"Are you going to get the epidural."

"I have no idea yet," I nodded.

"Okay baybeh."

"We're are going to have to get all of Ashanti gifts put away right."

"Yeah and you gotta pack your labor bag and I'll get her diaper bag together."

"Aug you don't know what all goes in a diaper bag."

"Yeah you right how about we do it together."

"Okay that sounds like a plan," I placed one of my hands on her stomach causing Ashanti to kick which made me smile.

"Jazzy are you nervous."

"Yeah I am are you nervous."

"Yeah but one of us gotta be calm."

"You're right about that," Jazzy frowned up.

"You okay baybeh."

"Yeah just a little heartburn."


We finished eating I stood up and threw our trash away. Everyone else began to throw their plates away I walked over to Jazzy I helped her up then we went over to where Ashanti gifts are.

"First me and Aug would like to thank everyone for coming out and helping us celebrate our baby girl Ashanti."

We began to open the gifts and thanking everyone who got a gift or gifts for our baybeh girl. Once all of the gifts were opened T and Mike took them outside to the truck. I gave Jazzy a kiss then we began to take pictures with all of our guests. Jazzy had got everyone attention once again.

"I want to give a big shout out to my big sis Yasmine for putting the shower together and hosting it, also shout out to my momma and momma Sheila for being here for me and Aug whenever we needed them and lastly to Ashanti godparents Cj and Ciara and my sis Cha thank yall for being great friends and a sister and making sure I got here on time anything you want to say babe," Jazzy looked up at me.

"Nah baybeh you covered everything," she nodded.

Everyone began to gather their things and got ready to leave. I lead Jazzy outside to the truck paparazzi appeared and began taking pictures of us and asking questions T and Mike pushed them back as we continued to make our way to the truck.

We're back at the house and we're in Ashanti nursery putting away all of her gifts and clothes. Aug was setting up Ashanti stroller and I was folding up her clothes.

"Alright baybeh I got the stroller up what else need to be set up."

"That's it Aug you can help me fold her clothes."

"Okay," Aug sat next to me on the floor and we began to fold up her clothes.

"What's all that next to you."

"Clothes that Ashanti will be wearing after I have her along with her blankets."


"You got her some pjs too."

"Yes," we finished folding Ashanti clothes Aug helped me up and we put them in her dresser.

"Alright let's get this diaper bag ready."

"Okay so we need diapers, wipes, baby powder, baby lotion, baby brush and comb," I looked at Aug.

He opened the diapers and got some and placed them in the diaper bag then placed the wipes in their along with everything else I called out.

"My momma had bought a kit that got the baby brush and comb inside along with the thingy to get the boogies out, a thermometer and toe nail clipper, Aug held up the kit that momma Sheila bought.

"That's great she got that oh we need her pacifier."

"Which one," Aug held up several pacifiers that was still in its packaging.

"That one," I pointed to the pink one.

Aug nodded and placed it in her diaper bag we did a run through of everything making sure we had everything.

"Okay now that we got Ashanti diaper bag together it's time to get my labor bag together and get you a bag because I know you aren't going to want to leave the hospital."

"Yeah you right lets get it to it then I'll place Ashanti crib in my Range Rover."


We walked out of Ashanti room then over to our room Aug got me my Chanel bag and he got his Louis Vuitton bookbag. We began placing what we'll be taking with us in the bags. When we get finished with packing our bags we gotta set up Ashanti bassinet swings around the house and the baby monitors too.

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