Ice skating//chapter nine

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When josh had gotten to my house i opened the door and greeting him in the house while I  grabbed my phone, charger and wallet.

"You ready to ice skate?" Josh said with a smile on his face.

"Mhm" i said as I  was pulling him lightly to the door so they can leave.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Josh said with a raising eyebrow.

"Yes joshie, I want to do this. I've never really gone skating before so your gonna have to help, okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay with that,"
Josh said as he pulled me in a hug and then a long kiss atop the head.

"Thank you, joshie" I  said, a bit muffled from my face being in josh's chest.

"No prob bob" he said with a laugh.
After he pulled away he picked me up, and slung me across his shoulder. saying
"okay, so let's go ice skating!"

I stared to squirm, trying to get out of Josh's hands. But failed as I was laughing to hard.

"J-josh let g-oo of me" i said with a push and a mother wave of laughter.

"Okay, okay fine" he said finally putting me down so I  can walk with him out to his car.

---time hop---

As we walked in the ice skating place i got a wave of shivers from it being cold.

"What shoe size are you?" Josh said looking down at me.

"Oh um... a 6 in women's"
I told josh still looking around the place, observing they place and some people. josh smiled at m and put his arm around me and told the person at the dest what shoe size i was, along with his.

" you have tiny feet" he said looking over at Me  and laughing as I laced my skates up.

"Yes I know, I don't like my tiny feet" i said with a tinny frown and a huff.

" awe don't worry" josh said as he did something in between a walk, stumble, and tripping Motion to walk over to me.
He hugged me then kissed.
" get a room!" They herd from the door, grabbing some other people's attention.

"Tyler! Jenna!" Josh and I both said at the same time.
Tyler practically ran over to josh and I.

"Hey dude what's up?" Josh said as he slammed in to Tyler's shoulder;hugging him.

"Oh nothing dude, just bout to go on the ice with my fav girl" he said with a laugh patting me  on the back.

"Have you ever gone skating?" Jenna said as she looked away from Tyler and josh.

"Um... no. But josh said that he was gonna teach me!"

"Oh this is gonna be fun!" She said looking at all of the friends gathered in a corner.

As Tyler and Jenna went to go get their skates josh and I went on the ice to try and get a pit better at it , or at least the basics down.

"Oh gosh this is weird" I said as josh was holding his hands out and helping me balance.

"Just try and keep your feet in a V shape" he mumbled.

"Okayy" i said a bit wobbly from being so nervous of falling.

Tyler and Jenna where in a break area putting those skates on
"They are so cute together" Jenna said as she snapped a pic of the two goofballs tumbling around.

@Joshuadun and @sterling_love ice skating together

After Jenna had tweeted that both their phone started to blow up with likes and follows; well at least for Me.

"Their gonna be pissed when they see what you tweeted" Tyler said from behind Jenna holding her hips with a laugh.

"Meh I don't care" she said with a smile and a kiss.

"Jesus fucking Christ. "I mumbled softly with a little laugh as i fell to the ground.

"Come on kitten you can do it" josh said as he helped me up and i tried again.

"Oh gosh this- this is the fastest I've gone" I  said with a chuckle at the end.

I wasn't  going very fast, only about the speed of someone who was trying to slow down, not even. But josh was helping me still, instead of having both hands around her body he only had one, and his body was out too trying to keep both of us up.

"Yeah! Look at you!" Josh said letting go of my other hand.

"No-n jo-sh I'm g-Onna fa-ll!" I said as he let go.

"Oh go-" he was cut off by me falling into him.
We  both laughed and josh looked at me.

Making me  blush
We kissed again.

Then of course we heard a giggling Jenna and a Tyler yell
"GET A ROOM" from acrossed the room.

Josh sticks his tongue out at both of them and goes back to kissing me. On the floor of the ice rink.

He cups my cheek looking at me, forehead to forehead; fingers interlocked.

"I love you" almost as a whisper escapes Josh's lips.

"I love you too"
I said as I smashed my lips back into his.
Word count: 938

This was fun to wright, my friend gave me the idea and I have not posted in a bit and it's 5:00 Am and for some odd reason I want to wright more so maybe be looking forward to new updates
Also thanks giving break is this week (and my bday) so I will try to get up as much as possible
Again... thank you sm for the reads!!
TBH I'm oddly obsessed with this chapter

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