my lovely// chapter twenty twø

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sterlings POV

after josh and i had told his family that we where gonna have a baby we went back to josh's house and went to bed.

Although, I couldn't sleep.
I was tossing and turning all night.
All I had on my mind was my brother James, and my mother.
I hadn't talked to her in years, and I just wanted to see how she was doing.

I herd from distant family members that she was trying to change, and I really want to see how she's doing.
But she put me through hell.

By this point I was lightly crying for some reason.
Oh wait.
I'm pregnant now, Witch means more emotions.
Then I herd josh wake up,

"Sterling, are you okay?" He said rolling over on his side to get closer to me.

"Yeah, I'm guess I'm just over thinking things." I said sniffing and snuggling to

"About what?" He said letting me snuggle in to him.

"I don't know, after we told your parents about the baby I wanted to tell my mom and brother. I mean, I have my brothers number, and I herd from distant family members that my mom was doing a lot better." I said being fully honest to him

"Well why don't tomorrow we go tell your brother, then we can ask him if he's seen your mom and we can go from there, okay?" He said hugging me.

"Okay" i sniffle.

And with that I fell asleep in the hands of josh. It was nice, and comfortable.

---in the morning:)------

I woke up to the shower water running.
And josh Lightly humming to the beat of one of his songs he had made with his band mate tyler.
"Tear in my heart" I believe it was called
I always thought it was so cute, how he made a song about his wife.
So I got up and knocked on the bathroom door before I opens it lightly.

"Hey baby" I said walking in to brush my and hair

"Oh, hey" he said laughing

"If it's okay with you, I'm gonna brush my teeth and hair okay?"

"yeah, im fine with that." i saw his body move to the water behind the shower curtain 

"so whats the plan today?" i ask him as i pick up the blue brush of mine and run it through my brown yet blue, purple and pink hair.

"how about when you get out of the bath room, you text your brother. ask him for the address and we can go k?" he said poking his head out a pit from the shower
i walked over and gave him a little peck on the lips with a dumb looking smile on my face
i said walking back to the sink to brush my hair, then my teeth.

when i got done with brushing my teeth and hair josh was done in the shower, he grabbed a towel and rapped it around him self walking out of the bathroom behind me.

"want to play some music?" i ask hooking my phone up to the blue tooth bar he had in his bed room.

:sure!" he said as he put some clothes on.
i turned on the 'chill' playlist on my spotify and took my phone over to the bed and plopped down on it.

"i got a plane in the middle of the night, don't you mind?.\
i nearly killed somebody, don't you mind don't you mind?"

this song had meant so much to me, i dont know why, but it did.
josh had apprently liked it to, seeming as he jumped  when it came on and now he was lightly humming to the beat as he got ready. and me? i was about to do something that i hadn't done in a long time


sterling: hey Jame's.... how you been?

Jame's: sterling!! im good. how about you?

sterling: im  good, i kinda want to see you and show you someone...

Jame's: ohhh, am i gonna have to fight off the boy's like i did in high school. lol.

sterling: i don't know, I'll think you'll be happy, you have always wanted one so.

Jame's: wait, is it a brother in-law? sterling are you getting married??

sterling: no, not yet, you'll see. getting to the point how you get to see. do you still live in your old place, do you even still live in Ohio? lol

Jame's: yeah, i live in Columbus. not the same place though. i'll give you my address k?

sterling:k, i need to get ready so txt it to me when i text you later k

Jame's: rkayyyyy

and with that, josh and i got ready and left to his house.
we got in the car and we where off.

------at his house-------

we walked up the steps to a nice looking apparent.
i knocked on the door and it immediately swung open to see the cheery face that ive miss of my big brothers.

"sterling!!" he said as he crashed in to me for a hug "i missed you so much and i love you, and i will never leave you again okay" he said  pulling away with his hands on ether side of my shoulders.

"who's this," he said pointing over to josh, a 24 year old man with blue hair,gauges and a sleeve tattoo of a tree and a sun.

"well James, this is josh, my boyfriend sort of thing" i said laughing,

"why sort of thing?" he said looking down at me, him starting him self now.

" nice to meet you josh," he said holding a hand out and shaking it with josh's,
"here, come on in you guys. its cold out there" he said opening the door a bit more so we can fit through
josh grabbed my hand and it was shaky and sweaty, he was nrevus, i could tell.
i gave him one of those looks to calm down, everything will be okay.

" so James, um you know how you and i would always talk about someday becoming parents and aunts and uncles?" i ask him, still holding josh's hand,

"mhmmmm" he said with his face lighting up.

"well, you're gonna be one!" i said with a smile and a little laugh at the end.

"wait, really? yor joking me right??" he said, he was starting to cry now, happy tears of course.

"nope, your gonna be a uncle!" i said standing up and him rushing over to me, giving me a hug and sniffling. "i love you so much sterling"
James waling over to josh and hugged him too, saying:
" thank you man, your making one of my biggest dreams come true" he said. i took josh a bit off guard but he hugged back after  a second,

"no problem, im just as happy as you are" he said as they pulled away from the hug.

that night we had dinner with him and caught up, all of us. but it was a fun time and i loved it.
now all we needed to do was find put about my mother.

hiiiiii so thats the chapterr ayayayayaya anywhoodle thanks for reading my book, i love you all <3

word count: 1171

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