my baby girl// chapter twenty eight

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Josh's POV

"I'm sorry, but she didn't make it.."
the nurse had said as she stood with paperwork in her hand, tears stabbing the back of my already broken and swollen eyes.

"But I tried.... we- I should have been there. I could have stopped it."
I said as it felt as if the world fell on my shoulders- or to say, my whole body.

"No, mr.dun, there's nothing you could have done to stopped it. It's a part of life. Without death, there'd be no life." She spoke in a soft tone.
"Would you like a moment before the paperwork?" She asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder as I cried.

"Yes, please... I-if you don't mind.." I said quietly. Holding back as many tears as possible.

"Okay," she mumbled softly before walking out.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have helped, please wake up, please? Help her wake up too. No matter what they-they say, I believe you can wake up. Am I wrong for thinking that?" I asked as I held her hand, the limp thing it was, it had used to be so life full, now, it sat where i had placed it, in my hand, hoping, thinking, that I could bring it back to the normal life it had taken place for a near 24 hours ago.

"I-I love you, and her," I mumbled.

I got up, placing her hand next to her side lightly as I sat up and took out my phone, clicking on the "momma dun" contact on my screen

Right before I had pressed the phone icon to call her, I heard something that had stopped my heart, brought hope to me, Ma-maybe that limp, cold hand, I had in mine a second ago, would come back, along with the little one that I had never even seen the face too, just heard the crying to her already beautiful voice, no matter if the cries had been in pain, or being cold, the voice had been beautiful, and apart of my soul, and my life. Along with sterlings life and soul. She was ours and only had a few moments of life before she had been brought back to the darkness of this cold world.

"MR. DUN!" Someone yelled.

"Yes?" I questioned, looking like a mess.

"Your daughter! She's okay! She's fine!" The nurse had said, taking the pages sways from me "the paperwork got mixed and your daughter had gotten mixed with another case. She is, in fact, healthy and breathing!" She said. Happy and breathing heavy.

"What about Sterling?" I asked,

"She's fine. We are going to keep her here for a few days, along with the baby. She has some lung problems but other than that she's healthy." She smiled.

"Ca-can I see her?" I asked

"Yes, but you have to be quiet and careful not to wake her." She said as she looked out, someone else walking in with a big cart. My daughter inside that.

"Oh my god," I mumbled. She has been so beautiful, dark skin like her mother from what I could see,
Her eyes had open and she kicked her feet in excitement. Her eyes had been a beautiful blue, from what I remember, her brother has blue eyes, obviously, it had been a thing in her family.
"Your so beautiful, baby girl," I mumbled as a happy tear slid down my cheek. The young nurse giving out a cute little "aw".
"When could I hold her?" I asked as I looked up,

"Now if you'd like," she smiled.

"O-Okay," I smiled as I sat down, the girl handing me my world.

She looked up at me, her blue eyes digging a hole in my brown ones. Not something that was bad, but an endless pit of love, something I couldn't get rid of now that I've looked at her.

The doctors had run in, taking my newly found daughter and started fumbling around with sterling.
She had a breathing tube down her through, and well currently, they were taking it out.
The doctors left, taking the baby with.
It had gotten completely silent again.

"She beautiful you know," I smiled as I ran my thumb on her limp hand.
"I think she has your brothers eyes, something I haven't seen. It's gonna be a trouble keeping the boys away from
Her," I chuckled.

And there it was, her bloodshot eyes had opened. I saw the light brown eyes that I fell in love with, to begin with.

"J-josh?" She said lightly.
"Ye baby, where is she, is she okay?" She started to panic, she sat up and winced instantly.

"Holy shit," she mumbled, holding on to the bottom of her stomach.
And almost as on Q, one of the doctors walked in.

"Good afternoon," she smiled.
"Your daughters fine, she'll need to stay here for a bit, being born so early she has some lung problems. You're also going to need to stay the night since you had passed out mid-push, you gave you a cessation." She said.

"Can I see my child now?" She asked. A little frantic looking.

"Of course," the doctor smiled.
And like she did wth me, she rolled this big cart in, and the baby inside.
Sterling instantly started crying.

"Oh my gosh, my baby," she smiled.
"You're so pretty, a-and I'll never leave you, I'll always be there for you, no matter what," she smiled down at her child.

"what should we name her, josh?" she asked, tears in her eyes now.

"Astro, something cool like that," I smiled as I lightly grabbed- now- Astros- hand, smiling at the thought of being a father to someone like her, and a husband to someone like sterling.

"I love it," she smiled, "Astro blue dun," she continued, whipping a tear that fell onto Astros face.

" I love you so much, baby girl," she whispered.

"ma'am, I'm very sorry to break this moment but we need to take her in for more testing; when we get back if you like you can feed her." the nurse said as she took Astro away from sterling.

"don't forget momma, baby" she muttered.

it broke my heart to think that Astro could. I honestly couldn't stand to let her think that the baby would, could, or should, forget her. she was an unforgettable person.

Astro Amy dun was born December 13, weighing two pounds and five ounces.

A/N: now i have a shit tun of homework:DD

a good mistake// josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now