run away//chapter sixteen

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sterling pov

i ended up near my old house from when i was a kid. tuns of bad memories fuddled in 
my mom
my dad
and my brother. the one that could not get out of it.
i whisper just a little bit " im sorry"
and then
i broke.
having a panic attack in my car
i laid my head on me steering wheel on top of my hands
the only three words that i could think of at that time were
"Cora blue dun" over and over again in my head
witch only made me think more.
angry at my self for letting this happen
witch only lead to a bigger panic attack

i stared out as a whisper then voice then a yell then a scream




but then>
it thought of josh. what was he going through right now.
i missed him
i missed his laugh
i missed his touch
i missed his kindness that gave me a reason, gave me feeling
i missed everything about this man that i had only met a few weeks before
and now? i thought to my self as i stared my car
im caring this mans baby
this man, the man named josh dun, was apart of this baby that was inside of me.
i drove home
where was home?
was it at josh's?
or was it with josh?

i made it to josh's place.
all of hid lights where on, the balcony door was wide open< but josh was no where to be found
i looked around at the cars
i saw tylers car
why was he here?
i waled up the steps and pulled out a key off my key chain
i unlocked the door slowly
and herd crying
it was josh
was he okay?
what was going on?
i stood in the door frame for about a good 5 minuets listening in on the conversion
"she has to be cheating this baby cant be mine!" i herd a crying josh voice let out
"josh are you sure? haven't you hocked up with her? i herd a sleepy sounding Tyler say
"y-yeah bu-" josh was cut off by Tyler asking
"did you use protection?"
"fuckk" i herd josh let out along with another sob
that broke my hear
hearing josh this broken
hearing him cry like that
i got fed up with just standing and
listening to my joshie fall apart

i sprinted to him running in the bath room and hugging him
scaring both of them a bit but running a jumping to josh.
"joshie im so sorry im so so sorry." i said kissing all over his neck and face
"STERLING" he screamed my name and kissed back witch made my heart melt
"but are you really pregnant? i-im i going to be a dad?
he said with a smile and a tear down his left cheek
i whipped the tear off his face and barley made a "mhm" noise and a smile
he picked me up and kissed me multiple times in a row.
he set me down and hugged me saying
"dont worry kitten, i will never ever leave both! of you!" he said poking my belly and made me giggle

okie so that was that chapter, time for pregnant fillers yay, live ive been saying I NEED FILLER I DEAS ok thank you it is now 3:00 am i have to get some sleep

a good mistake// josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now