four。other boy

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I lay down in my bed. Taehyung's hurt face replaying in my head.

I shouldn't feel guilty. What I said was true. Why should I feel sorry for someone who makes a shit ton of girls cry daily?

"Ugh whatever. Atleast he won't bother the living daylights out of me anymore." I groan and lie on my front to bury my face in the mattress.

I get up moments later, and sit on my study table to finish my homework and other shit. Senior year is honestly hell.

I keep on drowning myself in work when my phone vibrates. I try to ignore it knowing that it was probably him again.

i stare at the phone screen and see notifications of the messages from it's lock screen.

Unknown Number
Nari, I miss you.

Unknown Number
I'm fucking sorry.

and for the first time in months, I break down once again.


I wake up the next day to find that I had fallen asleep on my desk. The pounding in my head worse than yesterday.

I grab my phone and see 76 notifications, all of which came from the boy who hurt me. I delete the thread and walk to the bathroom to get ready.

I get to school a panting, sweaty mess. Turns out life wanted me to have a shitty day. The snow was so thick outside even my good old shovel couldn't help me, so I ran.

Rest of the day was pretty normal I guess, Taehyung was with a different girl and I was eating lunch with the same old group of friends.

Classes for the day ended soon and I'm in front of my locker shoving unneeded shit inside it, I grab my coat and start walking towards the exit when I hear a squeaking noise. I look around to see if anybody was here since it was pretty late already. I see nobody so I continue walking.

Right when I almost step out the glass doors, somebody grabs my waist and slams me onto the lockers and I wince at the stinging sensation on my backside.

It was already starting to get dark outside so I couldn't make out his face at first but one word from him and the wall i've building for the past 6 months breaks down.

"Hey ri."


Im so LaMe ByE

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