The Ruby Goblet

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"Rose can you grab those fancy goblets out of the cupboard?" Sirius called from the kitchenl "I think this calls for a celebration!"

"Sure!" I replied happily. Finally, I was getting married!  It seems like we have been together for ages! I still remember the day we first met.

It was our first day ever at Hogwarts, and I was a scared little first year sitting all by myself in the train cabin. A few pairs of feet thumped past as the train started to rumble. I could hear thier muffled voices outside and sighed, grabbing my book out of my bag.

I was startled when the door opened and four boys came tumbleing in. "Hey Remus can you shut the door?" One of the boys asked. The boy called Remus slammed the door shut, and they were all quiet for a moment, which seemed unusual for a group of boys.

"Hello, i'm James." Said the one who spoke earlier. I looked up from my book, suprised he was speaking to me. He had brown messy hair, glasses, and a warm smile.

"Ah hello, i'm Rose." I said shyly.

"Nice to meet you Rose, this is Remus, Peter, and Sirius." I looked at the one called Sirius, and he smiled.

"Want a chocolate frog?" James asked.

"Ok" I said taking it out of his hand. "Thanks." I opened the frog, and it jumped out of the packet. They all started screaming madly and trying to catch it. It climed under the seat I was sitting on and I tried to jump out of the way, but tripped over my own feet and fell on the floor. I tried hard to keep the tears from falling. Why did everything always have to end badly for me! I looked up when I saw someone beside me, it was Sirius.

"You all right?" He said. He actually looked quite concerned.

"Yeah i'm okay." He offered his hand and pulled me up.

I looked into his eyes, and in that moment, I fell in love. 

I reached into the dusty old cupboard and pulled out one of the goblets. It was pure gold with three sparkling emerald jewels on it. I squinted to read the words at the top. The writing was small and swirly, like olden day writing. 

All I could make out was: M pa r will lead ou to ou hea ts desire, when wo lds collide ou will find ou fi e. 

I shrugged and put the goblet down on the table. 

 I moved some of the other dirty silver cups and goblets out of the way to reveal the second golden goblet. I was suprised to see that this goblet did not contain pure green emeralds but gorgeous bright red rubies. Just as I reached out to grab it I heards Sirius's footsteps coming back into the living room. 

"I got the butterbeer!" He said. "Aah I see you have found the first goblet, did you know that was my great grandmothers? She found both of them when she was in Borgin and Burkes."

"Borgin and Burkes!" I shouted, feeling concerned. The shop was widely known for thier dangerous objects, many of witch concealed dark magic. "How can you be sure these are safe!"

"Of course they are safe darling, I used one just the other day." He replied calmly. 

"If you say so..." I replied.

"Well do you have the other one or am I going to celebrate all by myself?" He said sarcastically with that charming smile on his face I had grown to love. 

I smirked at my soon to be husband and reached for the ruby goblet.  

As soon as my fingers touched the gold in front of me, I felt a sharp tug behind my navel.

I had no time to say anything before I was whisked away into the unknown.

 I landed with a thud in what seemed to be the middle of a bar fight. I figured I must be in one of the local pubs, the three broomsticks perhaps?

The room was extremely crowded with alchohol all over the floor, people slurring their words were shouting insults across the room and everyone seemed to be very angry. I gulped. This was definately not the three broomsticks.

It was a very large pub, not like the small dingy hog's head I been to a few times. Suddenly someone above me threw a punch. Wait - a punch? Why  wern't they using thier wands? I suddenly started panicking as I realised I was no longer In the wizarding world. I was unaware of the fight going on above me, untill I felt a strong pair of arms pulling me out of the way. 

I spun around to see my savior.

"Sirius?" I said.  

But the person I saw was not my Sirius. Instead I was looking into the eyes of a very grubby looking man. He had black dreadlocks that were threaded with beads and were covered by a red bandanna. Facial hair covered his face and his dark brown eyes were burning into mine. My heart skipped a beat when he spoke. 

"No love, the names Jack, Jack Sparrow. 

"Ahh..Umm.." I was speechless. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but before I heard words I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. Just before the darkness consumed me I felt those same strong arms lifting me off my feet, and away from the terrible fight. 

 Sirius's P.O.V

I gasped as I saw her disappear in front of me. My fiance, my love, gone in the blink of an eye. "ROSE!" I screamed, falling to my knees. A tear rolled down my cheek as I realised she could be gone forever. I had to regain my composure though, as I heard a knock at my door. Wand at the ready, I opened it to reveal the smiling face of my god son, Harry, and his girlfriend Ginny Weasly. His smile faultered as he saw my face.

"Sirius?" He said with a worried look on his face. "Whats wrong?"

"Rose..." I frowned, tears welling up in my eyes.  

"What happened to her?" Harry said, peering through the door.

"She just, she just dissappeared!" I said trying to hold back my shock. "I -" 

"What happened exactly?" Harry butted in, looking concerned. 

"Come inside and I will explain." I said, moving aside so they could come in. 

After I told Harry and Ginny the story they were speechless.

A few minutes later Harry spoke.

"It must have been a portkey."

"Do you have any idea where it goes?" Ginny said.

"No" I said sadly, trying to think.

Then it hit me.

"The goblet is meant to lead  the beholder to thier hearts desire. When I used it the other day I didn't go anywhere, because I was already with Rose. I had completely forgotten. I guess that's why I put them in the back of the cupboard."

"Then Rose's desire can't be - "

"Me," I said. "Her desire isn't me." 

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