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Hey readers! I decided I would write in Harry Potter's P.O.V just to change it up a bit. I hope you are enjoying the story :) 


Harry's P.O.V

I stood outside the door of number 12 Grimmauld Place. I wondered what was taking so long. He would usually open the door as soon as he heard the knock. I hoped everything was ok. No-one had seen him for about two weeks. Ever since Rose disappeared he had been a mess.

Suddenly the door opened and Sirius walked out. 

"Hey Sirius!" I said smiling.

"Hello Harry." He said shaking my hand.

"I haven't seen you for a while," I replied. "What have you been up to?"

"I, uh, well I went to see the minister." He said.

"Oh, good." I said. "What did he say?"

"Well he said he couldn't do anything unless she had the goblet or her wand, which she doesn't." He said sadly. "Why don't you come inside and I'll get some butterbeer out."

"Ok!" I said, trying to sound cheerful.

I walked inside and saw that  the room was a mess! There were clothes all over the floor, drawers open everywhere, and loads of dirty dishes sitting on the sink.

"Merlin Sirius! I exclaimed, the dissapearence of his fiance must have really got to him. "Here, i'll clean it up for you."

"Wait!" He shouted.


"The minister, er, he said I should look through her things and see if I could find anything that might be a clue to her desire."

"Oh." I said awkardly.

"Yea," He said. "I suppose you guessed I havn't found anything yet."

I nearly said yes, but thought better of it.

"No, no, of course not, i'll help you look though if you want." I said with a smile on my face.

"That would be great." He said. "Thanks Harry.

"Your welcome, so where do we start?" I asked.

"Well the only room I havn't looked in is the attic, but I don't think she ever went in there." He said.

"It's worth a try." I said, trying to stay positive.

"Rite." He said. "This way."

He walked up the stairs and I followed right behind him. 

He stopped when we reached the top and waved his wand. A set of stairs appeared leading into the roof. They were suprisingly clean, as if someone had been up there lately. Sirius however did not seem to notice this, and climbed up the stairs. I followed and disappeared into the hole. 

The room was not as grimy and dusty as I thought it would be. A mirror on top of a set of drawers sat in one corner. The wooden floor was covered in boxes filled with ornaments, clothing, and books. A small seat sat against the wall opposite me. The cushions were slightly ripped, but otherwise it was in good condition. 

"I'll start with the boxes, you start on the drawers." Sirius said, sounding slightly suprised. 

"Sure" I replied, making my way over to the drawers, ducking to keep from hitting my head on any of the wooden beams. 

I pulled open the top drawer and looked inside. A black cloak with brown patterns. I pulled it out to see if there was anything underneath. All I saw was a few hair clips and empty perfume bottles. A woman must have used these...

"Hey Sirius?" I asked.

"Yes!" He replied sounding slightly alarmed.

"Have you seen this before?" I asked holding up the cloak.

He ran over and grabbed it off me.

"This was hers!" He said. "I gave it to her just after we first met."

He opened the second drawer to find nothing but dust. The last one however was filled with things.

He pulled them out one by one. Dresses, cloaks, perfume, various necklaces and bracelets were chucked onto the floor. Finally he stopped pulling things out and turned around with a sad look on his face. 

"But how does any of this help us?" He said. 

"Don't worry." I replied. "We'll find something."

He walked back over to the boxes and started sifting through everything. I glanced back at the drawer and noticed that he didn't pull out everything. I lifted it up and looked at it. 

"Sirius," I said. "I think you missed something." 

He rushed over and looked at what I was holding.

He took it from me slowly and flipped it over in his hands. I could see something engraved on the back, and a symbol was showing on the front. 

 ""Esmeralda Alexandra Eridanus Rivera" He said, reading the writing on the back. "Rivera was rose's mothers last name, maybe this was her grandmothers."

"Ok, but what's so important about it?" I replied.

He turned it over to show me the front. I gasped as I looked at it. 


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