Changing feelings

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Rosalies P.O.V

I opened my eyes and squinted, as the light from the dirty window shone down on my face. I felt the strong warm arms around me and smiled. I closed my eyes again, and felt at peace with the world. The gentle rocking of the ship made me feel right at home. I don't know why, I had never been on a boat before in my life. But somehow it just felt like second nature. I quietly lifted sirius' arms off from around me and stepped out of the bed.

I stretched and walked over to the window. Staring out at the wide blue sea, I tried hard to remember something. Sirius told me I was kidnapped by Lucius Malfoy, which I know is true, because I saw him. I supposedly touched a goblet, that lead me to a pub, where I was captured, and taken away to be killed. But I had a niggling feeling there was something else. If he realy wanted to kill me why wouldn't he do it then and there? I shuddered at the thought. I still had no idea why he wanted to kill me.

I sighed in defeat. I would try remember another time. I couldn't do it to often, as it just made me really tired and grumpy. I turned away from the window and walked back towards my bed. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I looked down at Sirius, and saw a different body lying down where he previously was. He was slightly larger, with dreadlocks, and an unshaven face. I had a funny feeling in my stomach, like butterflies fluttering around. He opened his brown eyes, and spoke in a raspy, sleepy voice. It was almost seductive.

"Rose?" He asked. I stared blankly.

"Rose, why are you staring like that?" I blinked my eyes, and all of a sudden he was gone, taken by the place of my fiance. He looked bewildered.

"You ok?" He asked. I nodded, and tried to ingnore the butterflies in my stomach, that were quickly fading away.

"Yeah, just looking at my hansome man." I winked.

He smiled at me, held out his hand I sighed in relief, hopping back into his arms. His warm body heated mine up, and he held me close, kissing my neck playfully.

"Does your handsome man get a kiss?"

I mumbled and closed my eyes. "Maybe if he makes me a nice breakfast." I said grumpily.

He laughed quietly. "Sure love." I'd do anything for a kiss from my lovely soon to be wife. I smiled and he got up. He was so charming.

"I'll be right back," He said seductively and kissing me on the forehead.

I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

An image came into my mind. I was staring up at the roof in a dark room. I shifted my eyes and saw a shape hanging in the corner of the room. A noise was coming from it. "Rose" It said. I had heard that voice before. "Rose, please." He was crying. "Don't be - don't be dead." He sniffed. "Please" I tried to speak, but found I my body was bound. "I know, I haven't known you for long, but - but, I." He broke down. I knew who he was. He was the man who I imagined before. I wanted so badly to reach out to him, to tell him it was ok. He sounded like he was in pain, and my heart was yearning for him. My eyes suddenly flicked open as I heard a door slam.

"I'm ready for my kiss!" Sirius said, bounding into the room happily with a tray full of bread, butter and eggs. His happy face turned to a frown as he looked at me. I realized my cheeks were wet, from tears. I quickly wiped them away and smiled.

"Rose, what is the matter with you?" He set the tray down on the table and walked over, sitting down next to me.

"You can tell me anything you know." He said, wiping a hair out of my eyes.

"It was just a dream, honestly i'm fine." I said, looking into his eyes.

He smiled a little, looking hopeful. "Did you remember something?"

"Um, I don't know." I thought carefully. I definately would not be telling him about the mysterious man calling my name.

"What was it about?" He said, taking my hand softly.

I explained as much as I could without the details that I would rather not mention.

"Ah." He said. "So the room, it was very dim and dark? Like a shack perhaps?"

"Yes it was." I said, puzzled.

He smiled broadly.

"Your remembering Rose!" He gave me a hug, and got up to grab the breakfast tray.

"Here, you'll need your strentgh, eat up!" He kissed me on the cheek. "Gotta run, things to do, places to be, things to see! He rushed out the door looking as happy as ever. If only I could have felt the same.

Jacks P.O.V

I woke up feeling dazed and confused. I rolled over and landed with a thump on the floor. Groaning miserably I stood up and looked around at my surroundings. I felt a leap of joy, as I took in the familiar sights. Somehow, I was back on my own ship, the black pearl. I smiled to myself, and climbed up the stairs, and up on to the deck.

Feeling proud, I stood up all ready to announce my arrival, and bark out the orders, but I stopped.

There was a man standing up on the deck with bright white hair, looking smug and waving a stick around.

I quickly remembered and realized what must be happening. This strange man had somehow taken over the ship. My ship! I felt a pang of anger. How on earth did this happen? I hid behind a barrel, and spotted Gibbs chucking something over the side of the boat.

"Gibbs!" I whispered. "Oi, Gibbs, what happened!" Surely he could hear me... I spoke a little louder. "GIBBS!" He turned around quickly, but walked off in the opposite

direction. Puzzled, I sat down behind the barrel.

I could hear a quiet noise, slowly getting louder, and closer. Footsteps. I whipped around, expecting to see gibbs, but instead found the face of the long haired man.

Around his neck I spotted another of my belongings, my compass.

"I was wondering when you would wake" he hissed.

I glared back at him.

"It seems like this compass is not working for me. I want too many things, it just keeps changing direction. Here, you put it on." He was smiling now, not happily, but evilly.

"No thanks, I think you should keep it." I said trying to keep my voice calm.

"No, I mean it really is yours." He said. "This pirate stuff really isn't for me."

I found myself reaching out for it, and quickly snatched my hand back, cursing to myself. How was he so persuasive?

"Your a brave, cunning man jack." He said. "I think we could be a great team."

I looked around at the boat, and saw the crew surrounding me. Their eyes looked

like they were covered in mist, and they were staring into space.

I gulped. "Do you want to be like them jack?" He asked.

I had to decide fast, he was pointing that wand like object at me, and I was not keen to endure that horrifying pain again.

"No." I said quickly.

He smiled, tucked his wand away, and held out his hand.

"Good decision." He said. "Your a lot smarter then this bunch of idiots."

"Now here, put this around your neck." He said passing me the compass.

I took it reluctantly, and felt a whole lot of guilt dumped on my shoulders. My crew had been faithful. To me, to the pearl, and to Rose, and now I had betrayed them all.

"No!" I shouted, and hurled

The compass as far as

I could into the ocean. But before I could comprehend what was happening, I saw the compass floating back again, towards the man, and it lightly landed in his hand.

"Well Jack, you are faithful after all." Too bad you won't be seeing your little Rosie again anyway!"

And with that I felt the all to familiar blanket of cold surround me, and everything turned black.

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