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Sirius' P.O.V

"Land ho!" I shouted, while peering through the telescope at the small speck of land ahead. Surrounded by sparkling blue sea, it looked like the most secluded place I had ever seen.

A voice suddenly spoke from behind me, making me break my gaze and lower the telescope. "Pelegosto."

"Eh?" I asked, and turned around to see the smiling face of Angelica.

"The islands name is Pelegosto." She said, pulling her own small telescope from her bag.

"Do people live there?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, there are natives there." She said, closing the telescope.

"Are these natives... er.... friendly?" I looked out at the speck of land slowly getting bigger.

She smirked. "Depends what you define as friendly...."

I let out a small chuckle. "So are we stopping then?" I asked.

"Yes, I need to see an old friend."

I sighed. "Is it really nessicary?"

Her eyes suddenly turned wild as she angrily shoved her telescope back in the bag.

"I haven't seen her in years Sirius!" She said, crossing her arms.

"Ok, ok, we'll stop then!" I said quickly.

"Thankyou!" She said smiling wildly, and walking down the steps.

"Prepare the ship for landing!" I shouted to the crew. I recieved a few blank looks from Harry, Ron and Hermione, and they rushed up to the deck.

"Why are we stopping?" Hermione asked, looking concerned.

"Angelica needs to see someone on the island." I said blankly while watching her walk away.

"Why is everything about her?" Ron said, a tone of anger in his voice.

"Ron, we obviously can't just leave her!" Hermione snapped. "She'd get too suspicious!"

Harry smirked at me, Hermione and Ron were always bickering.

"Hermiones right." Harry said. "Once we get back to Tortuga we can disapperate and go back home. "Come on guys, we havn't had an adventure in years!"

Hermione nodded in agreement.

"I guess." Ron grumbled.

"Let's go get the ship ready guys." Hermione said with a smile."We have an island to see."

Angelica's P.O.V

The shadowy shapes stirred quietly, making the atmosphere seem dark and eerie. I peered into the gloomy forest, and quickly averted my gaze with a shiver. I never knew how she could handle living here.

The boat turned a corner and I breathed a sigh of relief as a small shack came into sight.

"Right guys, we're here!" I said happily.

"Who would be mad enough to live here?" I heard the taller ginger say quietly. 

"My friend!" I snapped. "And she is definately not mad!"

I smirked, he looked scared.

"Well, um, I'm sure it would be a great place to live if your, um, into this kind of stuff..." He said awkwardly.

I smiled and walked over to him. He was pretty cute for a boy. Seemed a bit troubled though, he never looked happy like the other four young ones. 

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