An Unexpected Reunion

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Sirius' P.O.V

"So, Sirius, where are you from?" Asked Angelica, our captain. After chugging down a few rounds of that horrible drink last night, we went out to the dock and she showed us the ship. It was a huge white ship, with large sails, and on the side the words "The Lost Rose" were enscribed in itallics. We had a good laugh about that, it supriseingly fits the situation perfectly. 

"Well I live in London." I said, looking out at the wide blue sea surrounding us. "And you?"

"Spain, I grew up with nuns, after my father abandoned me." She replied with a sad look on her face.

"Oh that must have been... Interesting? I said. "Where is he now If you don't mind me asking?" 

"He's dead."

I gasped to myself. 

"I am truly sorry" I said awkwardly.

"It's ok." She said. "It was all Jacks Sparrows fault. That lying, filthy pirate!"

I looked at her sympathetically.

"And to think I nearly married him..." She muttered to herself. 

"You nearly married him!?" I asked suprised. 

"Yes, but I, um, decided not to." She said.

I nodded, and turned back to the sea, suddenly noticing a small dark shape in the distance. 

"Hey! What's that?" I asked. 

Angelica smiled. 

"That, my friend, is the island of Tortuga." 

Angelica's P.O.V

"Prepare the boat!" I yelled to the crew, and turned to tie the boat to the post. When I finished, all of them were standing behind me ready to go. 

"Geez guys, you did that fast!" I said slightly shocked. I guess I did pick the right peolple after all. I was starting to doubt my choice after I heard them saying something about miggles? Or was it muggles? I don't know, my mind has been far too busy to be suspicious. Oh well, pirates are strange people anyway.

"Sure did." Said one of the red headed ones.

"Right..." "Well of we go then!" I led them down the back of the boat and onto the harbour.

I heard a gasp behind me and saw Sirius run over to the side of the boat ramp.

"Where are you going? I asked, but he didn't seem to hear me.

He picked up what seemed to be a golden ring, and called the boy, Harry over. 

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"It's her engagement ring!" He said. "We have to hurry she might be in trouble!"

"Who Sirius?" I shouted.

"My fiance!" He exclaimed.

I stood there shocked, and felt my heart beat fast. 

"Your getting married?" I asked.

"Yes." He said sadly. "But she is missing."

"I will help you look." I said. "Anything to help a friend." 

"Thankyou, I would be very grateful." He said smiling.

"Well, it will soon be dark, we should find a place to stay." 

"Sure." He replied.

I offered my hand to help him up, and we walked into the town. 

Jacks P.O.V

I groggily opened my eyes and blinked a bit. Man, what did I drink last night? To be honest, the last thing I remember was walking off the pearl and into tortuga. Is that where I was? I tried to walk and found that my body was bound. I started panicking as I realized I had seen this place before. In my dream. The only difference was Rose wasn't there.

I looked down and realised there were no ropes binding me, I was simply floating in mid-air, and I couldnt move anything but my eyes. I tried to scream but no sound could come out. Suddenly the door opened and I heard a ear splitting scream. "Wheeeeeerreeeee issssss ittttttttt?" The voice hissed. A panicked voice replied. "I don't know Malfoy!, I told you I don't have it!" I realized it was Rose. Someone was torturing her.

There was a red light and the thumping and screaming started again. Suddenly it stopped, and it was eerily quiet. I was shocked. What was happening? Maybe this was just another dream. The door was kicked open and I saw Roses' crippled body lying on the floor. My gaze was cut short though as the door slammed and a masked figure walked in.

"Now." He said in the snakelike voice. "What to do with you." 

He released me and I fell to the ground in a heap. 


"Oh, she desrves this." He said. "She has been hiding something from us."

"What has she been hiding?" I said. Despite his calm attitude this guy gave me the creeps. 

"A necklace." He said. "A special necklace that can keep anyone safe from harm."

I fell silent. I knew exactly what he was talking about. 

"Aaah, so you do know something?" He said menacingly, and he reached into his pocket.

He must have noticed the puzzled look on my face as he muttered to himself; "Muggle.."

"Oh well, if you know something, you will tell me!" He yelled and pointed a stick thing at me.

I laughed. "A stick?" "What are you gonna do with that?" "Poke me to death?"

He smiked and waved the stick. A red light appeared and I felt pain. Pain I had never felt before. It felt like my insides were on fire, and were twisting, ripping and exploding. I yelled out in agony. I heard a crack and felt my arm break. 'STOP!" I managed to choke out. 

Suprisingly he did stop, and lowered the stick. 

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice. 

He pointed the stick at me again and spoke quietly.

"I, am Lucius Malfoy."

And with that, the world went black, and I slumped to the floor. 

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