The Escape

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Sirius's P.O.V

 I lay in my bed staring up at the roof. I knew it was late, but I couldn't sleep, not with all this going on. I just felt like I needed to do something. I twisted Rose's ring around in my fingers, and listened to George mumbling in his sleep. "Fred, no, fred" The poor boy, I don't think he'll ever be the same again after losing his brother... That's what im afraid of.

I'm afraid every night I will dream of her, and think about her all day. I'm scared that I will never be able to forget, and will live every day in sadness, missing what can never be returned. I sighed, and pushed the covers off me. Surely a walk would help to clear my head. 

I walked down the dark street with my hands in my pockets. I could see the dim lights of a pub off in the distance, and various stalls and shops crowded the streets. I looked beyond the yellow lights of the pub, and spotted a red glow. Curious, I started running. As I got closer, I saw the light was coming from an old shack. I gasped, and put my hand over my mouth as I heard a scream. It suddenly clicked. The red light was the crucitais curse, and I was sure that was Rose screaming. The light suddenly stopped, and I heard talking. 

"Aah so you do know something?" The voice hissed. There was a moment of silence, and I heard the voice mutter something under his breath. I moved away from the door and thought of a plan. I should go get the others. I started to run back, but then realized I couldn't tell Angelica. I would have to do this myself. The light flashed again, and seemed to stop. I put my ear up to the door and listened. I could hear pacing from inside. There only seemed to be one person in there. Easy enough.

I stepped back and kicked open the door. It collapsed and I quickly shot a spell. The wand flew out of it's owners hand, and clattered on the floor next to me. I picked it up and saw the white hair start to spin around. Before he could go anywhere I yelled "Pertrificas Totalus!" His body froze and he fell to the floor. 

I walked over and saw a familiar face, Lucius Malfoy. I figured Rose must be in the shack  somewhere, so I shot off into the other room. All I saw was a bed, and a dusty set of drawers. I ran to the opposite side of the shack, and knocked down the door. My heart nearly jumped out of my mouth when I saw Rose on the floor. She has a bloody nose, and her arm was twisted in a funny way. 

I scooped her up in my arms, and quickly left the house.

Halfway down the street I heard footsteps behind me. My heart pounded in fear. Surely this would be it, I stood no chance against him. I placed Rose on the ground carefully, and put my hands in the air. "Lucius, please, don't do it" I begged.

"I don't want to kill you." He said. "It's her I want."

"Why?" I asked fearfully.

"Never you mind." He said menacingly. "Now give her to me, and I will let you go."

I quickly took one last look at Rose, and said one word. 


He glared at me. " Have it your way then." Suddenly he shot the killing curse, but i dived out of the way. He shot another, but I stood up and protected myself with a shield. "Crucio!" I yelled. It rebounded off his magic shield and came zooming back to me. It hit me square in the chest and I fell to my knees. My insides were on fire and I screamed out. He laughed and came closer. "You will die now, Black" He sneered. "You should of joined the dark side while you had the chance." I grimaced. "I would never, stoop to that level." He scowled and pointed his wand right at my heart. 

"Any last words?"

"I-" I started.

"PERTRIFICAS TOTALUS" A voice behind me shouted.

Luicius suddenly froze, and fell back down on the ground. 

I whipped around, expecting to see Ginny or Hermione, as it was a girls voice. But it wasn't them. Lying on the floor, with her wand in her hand, was my Rose.

I grin broke out on my face and I touched her face.

"Rose" I said lovingly. 

"Sirius." She smiled. 

I kissed her on the forehead. "Come on lets get back to the motel." I said. "We must leave quickly, he will be awake soon." She nodded and I helped her up. 

I scooped her up in my arms and she giggled. "Lets get you home." 

I walked back into the motel and switched the light on. There were moans and groans as the crew woke up. The sleepy faces looking at me suddenly turned to happiness and suprise, as they spotted the little body in my arms. "Rose!" Yelled Ginny, and she ran over to me. I put her down and ginny gave her a hug. The rest of the crew followed. Everyone was happily chatting to Rose, and I noticed Angelica standing off to the side. 

"Are you ok?" I asked, walking over to her. 

"Yeah, I guess." She said.

"Are you sure..?" I said doubting she was telling the truth.

"Well you know." "You guys are all such good friends. I've never as many friends as that..."

"Untill now." I said grabbing her hand. "Come on over, i'll introduce you to Rose." 

"I'm not su-" She started.

"No, you're coming." I said with a smile.

She smiled back and I pulled her over to the rest of the gang. 

"Hey Rose, this is Angelica." I said. "She was our captain when we came on the ship over." 

"Is she a mu-" 


Ginny quickly coughed, and secretly whipspered something in Rose's ear. 

Realization flashed across Rose's face.

I laughed to myself, she was about to say muggle.

Angelica looked slightly puzzeld, but Hermione spoke to break the tension. 

"So Rose, uh, what happened to you?" She asked.

"Well I woke up on the pavement and saw Lucius was about to hurt Sirius, so I paralyzed him." She answered looking proud of herself.

"Yeah we know, but what about before that?" Hermione replied.

A puzzled look crossed her face.

"I - I don't know..." She stuttered, looking at me. 

"What is the last thing you remember?" Asked Harry.

She thought for a moment.

"The last thing I remember..." She said slowly. "I remember going to bed early, because I was so tired after taking Teddy Lupin to the zoo. That little one is a naughty wee thing." She smiled.

I stared at her. 

"Rose, that was a year ago." 

She looked at me, her eyes wide with shock

"No, it can't be!" She said looking scared.  

Angelica stepped foward. "Come have a lie down, you might remember something." 

"No." I said grabbing Rose's arm. "We have to go, Lucius will be awake soon enough, and I don't want him coming after us." Rose nodded and we turned to leave.

"Wait a minute," Asked Angelica, and I turned to face her. "What do you mean he will be awake soon?"

"Um, well..." I said.

"I knocked him out with a rock!" Rose said quickly, winking at me. 

Angelica smiled. "I like her already." 

We all laughed and walked out of the motel, and back onto the ship, ready to set sail once again. 

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