The Necklace of Esmeralda

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 Sirius's P.O.V

"Is there anything you can do Minister?" I asked after he finally returned to the office. Harry suggested I ask the ministry if they could help find Rose. I was a right mess after she disappeared, so he arranged an appointment for me. 

"We can't do anything Sirius, not unless she has her wand, or is still in possession of the goblet" Mr Shacklebolt replied. "Tell me again how they work?"

"I really don't know. I said sadly. "All I know is that they lead the beholder to thier hearts desire."

"Ahh. So do you have any idea what her desire would be?" 

"Well, I honestly thought it would be me." I replied, tears welling up in my eyes. 

The Minister looked slighly uncomfortable after hearing this. He sighed.

"Maybe you should try looking around at her things, and see if you can find anything that could lead you to her?" 

"I sure will." I replied. "Thanks for your help Minister."

"Anytime black" He said.He swore he saw a tear sliding down his face as he walked silently out the door. 

Rosalie's P.O.V

I stepped out of Jack's Captain's quarters and looked around at the sight before me. Around twenty ragged looking men were working, doing various jobs such as cleaning the deck and tying ropes. I watched as a man with a parrot on his shoulder was knocked over by the others.

"Oi get back to work!" they shouted. The bird on his shoulder started squawking.

"Bad luck! He cawed. "Women, bad luck!" I sighed to myself and turned back around to go back through the door. Before I could take a step though, I heard Jacks voice. Cursing to myself I turned back around.

"Rose." His rough voice said. 

"Uh, yes? I replied quizzically.

"I must introduce you to my crew" Grabbing my hand he lead me over to the railing. 

"Um, ok then.." I said whilst being dragged along the deck. 

"Right." Jack said turning to face his crew. "Everyone listen up! We have a new crew member!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Miss Rosalie Wood." He said.

Suddenly I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder, and looked down at it to see it was his arm. I threw it off me and stepped back. 

"JACK SPARROW YOU ASSHOLE!" I screamed at him.

He looked smug.

I stepped foward confidently, a plan in my head. I looked him in the eyes, and brought my hand up to his face, moving the dreadlocks out of the way and touching his rough skin. A few wolf whistles went through the crowed and he moved his head closer to mine. Suddenly I swung my hand back, and whack! Slapped him in the face with all my might.

I heard booing and laughter in the crowd, and saw a red mark appear on his face where I hit him. I quickly ran back into his quarters, as much as I didn't want to it was the only place I could be alone.

I fell down on my "bed," a few blankets and a lumpy pillow, and let my thoughts take over. Oh how I wish I had my wand! I had left it on the table at Grimmauld place. Since the war was over I didnt see any point in carrying it around my own house. I thought about apparating, but when I tried it didn't work for some reason.

Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard knocking on the door. Groaning I stood up and walked over. As soon as I heard his voice though I turned back to my bed.

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