Terrible News

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I woke up in the hospital. I looked around and saw tubes running in and out of me. I was in so much pain I couldn't move. "Hello Aaliyah I'm Dr. Williams. Do you know what happened?" she asked. I couldn't talk because of the breathing tube down my throat. I shook my head up and down. "You were in a plane crash. Unfortunately the eight women who were with you passed away on the scene of the accident. The pilot who was in control of the plane wasn't licensed and was on drugs. He's in police custody now. You have some visitors here who want to see you. Do you want to see them?" she asked. I shook my head up and down. "OK. I'll go get them." she said walking out the room. A few minutes later my family comes in. My mom, my little sister Brandi, and my cousins Sierra, Chyna, Lauryn, and Gabe. "My baby. Are you ok?" my mom asked. I shook my head side to side. I looked over at Brandi and grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Can me and the girls sing for you?" Brandi asked. I shook my head up and down. They sang my favorite song by destiny's child. Gospel Melody.

The girls may be young but their voices were like angels. After they sang they came and hugged me one by one. I love my girls. The girls are 5, 3, 7, 4. Gabe is 3 months old. The doctor came in again and asked me about my legs. "I'm going to poke your legs with a pin. If you feel something blink once. If you don't feel anything blink twice." she said. She poked my left leg. My family looked as I blinked twice. She poked my right leg. I blinked twice. "OK sweetheart. I'm going to go get Dr. Jones." she said walking out my room. "No matter what the doctor says God always has the last word." mom said holding my hand. Dr. Jones comes in the room. "Hello Ms. Aaliyah. I have your prognosis. Unfortunately you have damaged vocal chords. They're not severely damaged but it'll be a while until you get your voice back. You also are paralyzed from the waist down. Also you just have a couple of sprained joints." he said. I pointed to the breathing tube. "We'll take the tube out later. We'll have to keep you for a few days just to be sure." he said calmly. "Will my sissy be able to walk again?" Brandi asked. "Yeah. When will our cousin ever walk again?" Sierra asked. It warms my heart to know that the girls are concerned about me. "I can't say. The only we can do is hope for a miracle." the doctor said.

Let me know how you like it so far
Wanna give a big thank u to my friend/sister BrandiB95 for the idea💙

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