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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Promise I'll update more often 💚


Everybody else is supporting what I do. They're not controlling what I do unlike you.

He balled up his fist and punched me so hard I fell out my chair and onto the floor with a boom.


Alex reached for her gun as my dad did the same. They aimed their guns at each other and not moving.

Alex: Nobody puts their hands on our sister. Not even you.

Darryl: She's my daughter. I have the right

Alex: Oh really now. So that means I have the right to put a bullet in your head

Darryl: Shoot me and I'll shoot you

Brandi: Don't do it Alex. It's not worth it

Aaliyah: Please don't shoot

She looked at us with pain in her eyes. A tear came down her face. Me and Liyah are on the floor crying and pleading for Alex not to shoot him. Alex pulled the trigger and Darryl did the same. Alex was shot in left side of her head and Darryl was shot in the chest. Blood was everywhere.


Brandi P.O.V

After I left Alex's room I went into Darryl's room which was a couple doors down. I went in his room in front if his bed.

Brandi: I'm surprised you're alive. Shouldn't you be dead?

Darryl: Well hello to you too. I see you heard about Alex. Hope she go to hell. None of this would've happened if she didn't shoot me.

Brandi: No she didn't deserve this. While you're sitting up here talking shit about her she's in a coma that she might not make it out of.

Darryl: I should've shot you and Aaliyah too

Brandi: If I had a gun I'd shoot you in the head. You deserve to be dead.

I hate this man. He put my sister in the hospital, knocked me out of my chair, and threatened me and my family. I've had enough of his shit.

Alex POV

I open my eyes and see a white light. I look around and see a mirror. As I walk to it I noticed that I'm dressed in all white.

???: Alex. Alex you have to wake up. You're sister's need you. If you don't wake up soon not only will the doctor's pull the plug but Darryl will kill the girls.

I looked around and saw my mom dressed in white with wings and a halo above her head. There were no scars, cuts, burns, or wounds anywhere on her body. I started to cry as she held my face and smiled.

Mom: My sweet baby. I'm sorry I left you the way I did. You're father was abusive towards me and I couldn't handle anymore. While you were in school I wrote that note you found on my bed. Then I found a gun your father had hidden in a safe in his closet and I shot myself. I need you to go back and wake up. Don't worry about me.

Alex: I don't wanna go back mommy. I wanna stay with you.

Mom: I know sweetheart but you gotta go back. I know we'll meet again someday but don't let it be anytime soon. Kepp being that strong black woman that you are. Don't make the same mistakes I made. Unfortunately I killed myself to get out of this situation. Killing yourself isn't worth it.

Alex: Ok momma. I love you.

Mom: I love you too my sweetheart. I'll always be with you no matter where you are.

My mom fades away and the white light disappears as a tear slides down my face.

Sierra POV

I walk into Alex room and stand at the doorway. She still hasn't moved or opened her eyes. I slowly walk in the room and sit on her bedside. I look at her face and see tears roll down her face. I grab a tissue and wipe them away.

Sierra: It's ok babygirl. Don't cry.

I grab her hand and intertwined our fingers. I leaned and whispered in her ear.

Sierra: I love you Alex

Alex squoze my hand and a small smile spread across her face. I guess she heard me. I let go of her hand and walk toward the door. I blow a kiss to Alex and leave the room.

Hope yall enjoyed this chapter. It might not be much but at least I updated. Also being in a abusive relationship can be dangerous and life threatening. I've had a lot of relatives who committed suicide because of this. If you see someone getting abused say something. Don't standby and watch it unfold. Don't wait til it's too late.

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