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Alex POV

Before me and Brandi leave the hospital I decided to pay a little visit to Darryl. I told Brandi to stay in the hallway while I go have a 'talk' with him. I go in his room and stand at the foot of his bed.

Alex: I see your alive

Darryl: You finally decided to wake up? I was hoping you were dead.

I walk up to the left side pull out my knife and step on his oxygen cord while holding the knife up to his throat.

Alex: Listen here and listen good. You are nothing but a low down controlling dusty ass nigga.

I press the knife close to his throat as he's gasping for air.

Alex: If you ever come near me or my sister's again I'll kill you or worse. So if I were you I'd stay away from them.

I leave the room as I put the knife back in my pocket. I can hear him choking and gasping for air.

Brandi: What did you just do?

Alex: I had a little chat with him?

Brandi: You didn't kill him did you?

Alex: Almost. Cause I can go back in there and kill him if you want me to

Brandi: No. Please don't. I don't need you going to jail

Alex: OK OK

We leave out the hospital and get in the truck. As usual Sierra HAD to start asking questions.

Sierra: What took yall so long?

Alex: I paid Darryl a little 'visit' before I left.

Aaliyah: Did you kill him? Please tell me you killed him

Alex: No. Miss big head over here wouldn't let me

Brandi hits me in the arm and start using me as a punching bag.

Brandi: My head ain't that big

Alex: Blah blah blah blah

She punches me again. This time harder than before.

Alex: OW!!!

Sierra: Hey. Yall two cut it out back there.

Alex: Tell Brandi to stop hitting on me

Sierra: Brandi stop hitting Alex. And Alex stop provoking her

Alex: How am I provoking her?

Aaliyah: By telling her her head is big

Alex: Fine. I won't provoke her

We finally pull into the driveway and go inside the house. I see Brittany in the kitchen baking up a storm.

Alex: What's with all the baking Ms. Betty Crocker?

Brittany: No reason. I decided to bake these for all of us while mom is out on her business trip

China: Where's Brianna?

Brittany: She's in New York competing in a hair show. She'll be back in a couple days.

Both: OK

Brittany POV

I see Brandi come in the kitchen staring at the desert. Her mouth is watering and her eyes are bulging out her head.

Brandi: Can I have a lick?

Brittany: No way. You are not gonna go in a frenzy over some sweets. You can have some after dinner

Brandi: And when will that be?

Brittany: When I'm done baking

Brandi: And when will that be?

Brittany: Soon

She gives me the death stare and goes out the kitchen. As soon as she leaves I bust out laughing and continue baking.

China POV

I'm upstairs in my room watching TV when I hear Lauren singing. I go into her room and see her sitting on her bed playing her guitar.

China: What song is that?

Lauren: Good man by India Arie

China: I love that song. Mind if I join in?

Lauren: Come sit

As me and Lauren sang the song we noticed Aaliyah and Sierra peeking and listening to us.

Aaliyah: Was that a song by India Arie?

China: Yeah. Every time I sing this song I start crying

Lauren: Miss emotional

China: Am not

Lauren: Actually you are. Every movie that has a sad scene you just bust out crying

I threw a pillow at Lauren

Aaliyah: It's OK China. I'm emotional too. Ain't nothing wrong with that

China: Thanks Liyah

Aaliyah: No problem

Alex POV

I'm in the living room with Brandi watching tv. Brittany finished baking now she making dinner. I must say she can throw down in the kitchen. I never seen anyone do a whole lot of baking and still have energy to make a full blown meal. 2 hours later the food was done

Brittany: DINNER'S READY!!!

We all run to the bathrooms and wash up. We all run downstairs and got our food.

Aaliyah: Damn Brittany this food is delicious

Brittany: Thanks doll. I'm glad you like it

Sierra: Can I have seconds?


Sierra: what? I can't help it

Alex: and yall wanna call me greedy

After we had our food I helped Brittany bring out the desert. Sierra's mouth was watering

China: Sierra wipe your mouth. You're drooling

Sierra: So?

After we all had desert I told Brittany me and Brandi were going out.

Brandi POV

We got in my truck and we headed back to the hospital.

Brandi: Why are we back here?

Alex: You'll see

We get out the truck and head inside to Darryls room. Uh oh

Darryl: Well well well look who it is

I stand in front of his bed giving him the death stare. I look at Alex as she draws the blinds and lock the door

Brandi: So you think you can shoot my friend and get away with it?

Darryl: She deserved it

Alex: No I didn't deserve it. If anything you should thank me for letting you live

Darryl: I ain't thanking you for a god damn thing

I go to his side pull out my gun and pistol whip him. He was about to push the call button for a nurse

Alex: Push that button and your brains will be splattered across the walls

Before things got worse we heard banging on the door and a girl screaming for our attention. I opened it and my mouth drops. I can't believe it........

Here you go

I'm out ✌

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