Chapter 18

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Kathy POV

I woke up with a groan as I felt a heavy weight on my chest. I lifted my head to see Jane fast asleep. I smile sweet a her before I carefully move her to get up. I walk into the bathroom and do my business. As I exit the bathroom I find Jane on my bed looking around in a panic state. I chuckle at her and sat beside her. She silently scooted closer and ran her hand through my hair. Jane has always loved my hair she said that it was as perfect as the Goddess herself. Well, she didn't say the Goddess but God to the mortals.

But you get the point. She giggled at me and slide off the bed and went to the door before she suddenly jumped 10ft in the air. She grabbed her chest and looked at me. I gave her a confused look. "What was that?" She asked, still trying to calm herself down. "What was what?" I questioned back. She then looked around once before she said 'there was voices in my head'. then I just burst into a fit of laughter.

Jane pouted at me while she crossed her arms over her chest. "They were either the pack if you were accepted or that was Ashton. Me and Ashton have a mind link and now that you are a supernatural like us you are now in the mind link." I explained with a big grin upon my face. She only nodded slowly like she didn't believe me. I walked out of the room with her following close behind.

When I stepped into the kitchen I saw Ashton standing there with a smirk on his face. I walked up to him and smacked his chest. He flinches back and rubbed where I hit him. "What was that for." He asked with a pout forming on his lips. rolling my eyes I headed to the table. "You scared Jane with the sudden mind link and don't act like you didn't mean to do it." A low chuckle left his lips as he sat down next to me.

We heard a growl when Ashton sat down. We turned our attention to Jane that was standing in the door way, glaring at Ashton. He slowly got up and sat in the chair in front of me. Jane stopped growling and sat in the chair that Ashton was just in and smiled in my direction. Ok, that was weird.  I thought to myself as the cook came out with breakfast for us. I had scrambled eggs and bacon and toast, while Ashton and Jane were given a glass of blood.

As I began to eat I realized that Jane was drinking the blood given to her. "Do you not like the taste of it and go and ask the cook for someth-" I was cut off by Jane. "NO! I-I mean, no thank you. I'm just not hungry." I looked to Ashton for help on her, to see him staring at her with sadness and pity. If she catches him given her pity she would ripe his head off in seconds. Or she would if she wasn't so.....different now.

"Jane, you need to drink it your you will regret it. Trust me." Ashton spoke with a stern voice. She whined and shook her head. "I don't want to drink." She mumbled. I shook my head and placed my hand on her leg. I slowly rubbed circles into her bare skin, since she was in shorts and a tank top. She looked to me and whimpered. "Please Kathy, don't make me drink it." she begged, as if she was a child. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Well, we can go out if you want today." Once those words left my mouth, Jane's whole face lit up. She was jumping slightly in her seat before I stopped her. "But, you will have to drink your blood if you want to go." I know, I know. My methods are that of a parent trying to get the child to do the chores or something, but this always works. She has been locked up in this house for a week or so, so of course she's going to say that she will.

And as expected, after a few moments of her thinking it over, she finally nodded her head with a sheepish smile. A big smile spread out onto my face. Jane quickly drank the red liquid, causing her eyes to glow a pure white. She sighed and jumped out of her seat and ran up the stairs, almost knocking a sleepy Finny down the stairs. "Woah! What's got her so happy?" He asked pointing his thumb backwards at Jane.

"Kathy said that she was going to take Jane out today." Ashton answered for me. Finny sat next to me stretching as Ashton began to speak again. "You know, that you're all she see, right?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked back. He only sighs and rolled his eyes.

"She always been overprotective of me since the first day we met." I announced, but it didn't seem to satisfy him. "She's different Kathy. All the times you talked about her before just doesn't seem like the girl I came to know. Are you sure that her depression isn't the cause or that it really is something else?" Ashton spoke, his voice getting more and more dangerous. I looked down then up to him again. I guess you're right, but how can we help? It's not like we stop something that we don't even know what it is." I stated.

Ashton looked down at the table and then to Finny. "You seem close to her Fin. Did she ever talked to you about anything?" Finny thought for a moment before looking to us. "Yes, When we first met, she kept going on about the people she cares about and how she can never return. She looked so strong and she kept up a wall to keep everyone at arms length. But-" He stops by looking up to me with worry in his eyes. "-Since Kathy got here she's been not child-like but more vulnerable." He finished.

So she's like this because of me? But why? "I'm going to get my Jane back if it's the last thing I do." I stated with the most confidents. There was aloud thumping sound coming down the stairs and there stood Jane in her usual black long sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans and her signature black leather jacket. A smile grew on my face before I knew it.

Then she raced to the front door and waited. I stood from my seat and walked to her. "What took you so fucking long! Hurry your ass up or I'm going to leave you!" She shouted with the most foolish smile I have ever seen. Just the sound of her voice made my heart flutter and warm to the touch. I smiled evilly at her with a plan in mind.

"Shut the fuck up, Bitch! You're not the boss of me!" I shouted back, sticking my tongue out at her. I ran through the door with her on my tail, cursing to the high heavens. I think my Jane is coming back on her own. We just needed to give her time.




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