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Poem by R.H.Sin

The uncontrollable flame quickly devoured the entire village, showing no mercy as it began to blacken the wood from the numerous houses. Walls quickly began to crumble, grinding away into nothing but ash. The smoke eventually made contact with the night sky, slowly expanding until it clouded over the horizon. Ash began to fall slowly, gently landing on the ground of a battlefield.

she's fallen

  As glass, blood, and corpses littered the ground, there was a girl lying in the midst of it. She was breathing slowly, taking in the air that was full of nothing but black dust. Her entire body was bloody and battered from the attack that ensued in the village. After fighting for her life, she used the last remaining bit of her strength to keep her eyes open. Her violet eyes scanned the area around her. A couple of feet away there was a boy close to her age. She could see his limp body leaning against the remains of a tree. His body was just like hers: bloody and battered. However, one thing that separated them was their eyes; his green eyes felt lifeless to her, like the last string he held onto finally broke.

she knows what it means to be broken

  Suddenly, the girl felt an extreme amount of weight come down onto her abdomen. She quickly sat up, coughing out blood before she fell back down. Above her was the person responsible for the attack on her village, their eyes soulless and unforgiving.

her attitude may have changed, her heart a bit cold

  The girl's breaths went quicker, her lungs stinging as she did that. She could feel a lump forming in her throat - it was nothing but pure fear. The girl could feel blood trickle down her chin as she looked up at the person right above her.

but deep down

  A sinister smile crept across their face as they began to perform various hand signs.

she's still a good woman

  The world eventually became pitch black for the girl. Her mind became nothing more than a blur. Her life, her memories... all was gone. However, the girl still remembered a few things by the time the jutsu was over:

she can still learn to love again

  One of them was that she was going to destroy whoever attacked her village.

Welcome to my very first story on Wattpad! I'm excited to write it, so I hope all of you enjoy it as well!

Anyways, I'm obviously a huge fan of the Naruto series, so I hope all of you guys enjoy my story! Are there any questions that are going through your mind right now? Well, those questions will be answered sometime in this story (hopefully).

Well, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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