6. Lacuna

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Hibiki gazed up at the night sky as she lied down on the rooftop of her complex. Her amethyst eyes traced the designs that carved themselves on the inky blue canvas above. Now wasn't the time for her to worry about the third round of the chuunin exams. Instead, she decided to clear her head by enjoying the sky above.

  She kept her suspicions at the back of her head. Nothing was fitting together, it was as if there was a missing piece that could never be found. For weeks now, she had been trying to find more information, but it was if there was nothing there in the first place.

  Besides, even if she wasn't able to find anything, wouldn't the Sandaime Hokage be aware of the situation at hand?

  She sighed to herself as she went back to admiring the constellations above her. All of them had their own stories as to how they were created. And although Hibiki never believed in myths, she always pondered what her own story was.

  How did she become the person she was today? What were her past experiences that drastically affected her personality? Who were her parents? How did they meet each other? What were their names? Why did they name her "Hibiki?"

  And yet she didn't know any of those answers - they were just extra pieces to her already non-existent puzzle.

  The gradual transition of cool hues filled the night sky as the luminous stars made way for the moon, its pale, mysterious rays reflecting off the sleeping earth. The moon used to inspire Hibiki whenever she wanted to figure things out, which ironically wasn't helping her at all other than making her feel anxious for tomorrow.

  As time went by, Hibiki slowly drifted off into a light sleep. Her poisonous suspicion began to gnaw at her again after her failed attempt of distracting herself, and she felt as if she was falling into an inky darkness below her - to where there was no end. It felt as if it was mockery for her inability to remember her past.

  Eventually, her sleep was interrupted by the bright rays of the sun, its aggressive light shining over Konoha once again. She slowly opened her eyes to the always changing sky once again. As she slowly sat up, she knew that this meant only one thing:

  That the chuunin exams were coming to an end today, and her inability to see through the foggy mystery only set her anxieties to an all new high.


The burgundy wood provided the structure of the arena where the final participants would be competing. It made the citizens feel like ants as they made their way to the final exam, anticipating the battles that were soon to come.

  As Hibiki and Yua made their way to the arena they noticed many political and important figures making their way to the arena, as well. From what Hibiki knew, the purpose of them coming was to observe whether or not a genin was qualified enough to be promoted to a chuunin.

  But when it came to the chuunin exams as a whole, the main purpose was to improve relations with the other villages, something which the Sandaime Hokage had told her a couple of weeks ago.

  She learned that Naruto and Sasuke were in the finals when she checked in with Kakashi a few days ago. However, she wasn't aware that the spectators were looking forward to Sasuke's battle until she heard many silent whispers amongst the large crowd. She knew since the beginning that there was something odd and uncomfortable about Sasuke, but he slowly began to feel like more and more of a mystery as time went by. Ever since learning that his clan possessed a powerful kekkai genkai known as the Sharingan, she understood as to why he would draw such a large amount of attention from the citizens. However, upon learning of the massacre of his clan, she couldn't help herself but feel sympathetic towards him. But of course, she didn't really show it.

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