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The trees whizzed past their ears as they traveled through the dark night. They could barely see anything, but they knew that now was the time to get ahead of the ones who were bound to track them. The only thing preventing them from running into anything was their experience as rogue shinobi - the ability to sense what was around them before they made contact with it.

  Suddenly, they came to a stop. The six sat around a clearing, taking a short break before they headed off again. As four of them grouped together, one was sitting away from the rest of them, thinking about the events that happened just several hours ago. The sixth person in the group - the leader - walked over to them.

  "So, Sasuke-kun, are you looking forward to seeing Orochimaru-sama?"


  Yua grinned. It was barely noticeable, but the moon above shone on her sinister features, making her look more intimidating than before.

  The young boy wasn't interested in talking to Yua. Admittedly, he was still taking in everything that she told him. She was a comrade at first, but were they still on those terms? She lied to Sasuke and the rest of Team 7, not to mention that she was a murderer. After thinking everything through, curiousity got the best of him, and he knew that the only way his questions would be answered is if he asked the girl before him.

  "Yua, where exactly were you before we left?" Sasuke asked.

  "Relishing in the pain of betrayal."


Sakura stood on a red bridge - the typical meeting place for Team 7. All memories of Sasuke, Hibiki, and Yua were on her mind, and she felt a heaviness in her heart as she recalled the events of yesterday.

  Sasuke and Yua fled from the village, and when Kakashi told her the news of Yua betraying the village and murdering Chi, Sakura was horrified. She felt like vomiting at the news, but the only thing that came out were strangled and confused cries. She was so close with Yua, and she remembered all of the odd conversations that the brunette started up. To see Yua as one of the most dangerous kunoichi roaming the Land of Fire stirred up feelings of shock and disbelief inside of her.

  And Yua was the one who took Sasuke from her fragile grasp. Sakura was so determined to prevent him from leaving, and once she encountered him, he knocked her out. It was the second time in which she was taken out, the first being Hibiki just an hour before Sasuke arrived. It made Sakura realize how weak she was in comparison with the rest of the team, and it disappointed her. It made her feel inferior.

  But Sasuke... she wanted to have a future with him. She wanted to take away his feelings of hatred and revenge and replace them with love and compassion, but that didn't work out, did it?

  Sakura clenched her fists tightly. And then there was Hibiki. She made a promise to her that she would prevent Sasuke from leaving. Not only that, but that she would take on the attacker head on. Seeing Hibiki act so recklessly surprised her, but it only made Sakura realize how little she knew Hibiki. Why did Hibiki not trust her? Why did she knock her out?

  'That's right... I probably would've been of no help,' Sakura reminded herself.

  Even Hibiki wasn't able to defeat Yua. She was found severely injured, on the brink of death, and her only family left was dead. When Sakura was informed that Hibiki was in the hospital, she just wanted to run and make sure that she was fine. Maybe they could've started over. Maybe they could've become closer.

  Maybe Hibiki could've began to trust her.

  She didn't hold a grudge against Hibiki for breaking her promise. There would still be a way for them to retrieve Sasuke, she just had to wait for it. And she knew for sure that Naruto would immediately jump head-on when the opportunity came.

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