7. Never Forget

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"Release," Hibiki muttered to herself as she broke the genjustu. Aside from her, Sakura, Yua, Kakashi, and a few other jounin were awake.

  Suddenly, a huge explosion could be heard from a distance. Hibiki wasn't too sure where the noise came from, but she knew that something enormous was destroyed. Both Sunagakure's and Otogakure's shinobi began to flood the arena, their blades clashing with Konohagakure's own shinobi.

  As the three girls prepared themselves by holding kunai, they couldn't help themselves but notice how quickly all of the shinobi were attacking: it was a dance of colours as the various ninja attacked each other; their speed so fast it was nothing more than a blur.

  Unbeknownst to Sakura, one of Otogakure's shinobi was hurtling towards her with a strong sense to shed blood on the stone floor.

  However, before either Yua or Hibiki could step in to defend the pink-haired girl, Kakashi immediately deflected the man's blade with his own kunai. While the man was defenseless, Kakashi struck him with a quick flick of his blade. A thick, scarlet liquid was slowly beginning to drip down the cold, hard metal.

  "Sakura," Kakashi commanded as he turned toward the three girls, "I need you to wake Shikamaru and Naruto up. Hibiki, Yua, you'll stay here to fight with me."

  The three girls nodded in sync before Sakura got up and left.

  "Kakashi-sensei, how did this all happen? Why are we being attacked?" Yua asked.

  "I'll explain everything to the two of you as soon as I deal with Sakura," Kakashi replied. "You two, stay on guard."

  Immediately, the two girls stood back to back, their kunai held up in a defensive position. All of a sudden, a few shinobi from the opposing side began to attack them, but they were able to hold them off.

  While they were fighting, Hibiki couldn't help but notice that the Hokage was being taken away by the Kazekage. She wanted to help him. After all, he was the one who saved her all those months ago. However, she knew that she would be overpowered by the Kazekage. He was the leader of a country for a reason.

  Soon after, Kakashi stepped into their battle formation, with all three of them now standing back to back. Hibiki's attention drifted away to the battle at hand. Although the battle had only begun, she felt as if the battle dragged on for hours. Her arms and legs were beginning to feel heavier than usual. Gradually, her movements were starting to slow down and become a bit sloppy. Despite the fact that she was a genin, she wasn't used to exerting so much energy. However, she didn't give up. She continued to deflect kunai coming from all directions, the rapid clinking of metal filling her ears. But, whenever there was an opportunity to murder a shinobi, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Why?

  "Hatake-sensei, I assume you know how Konoha eventually became under attack, correct?" Hibiki asked, trying to distract herself from her thoughts.

  Kakashi furrowed his eyebrow in concentration as he tried to remember all the details that he wanted to explain to them. "I believe that it started around a month after you arrived here," he began. "There was an explosion just outside of the village, and that was when we discovered a corpse - it was one of our jounin."

  "What kind of wounds did the corpse have?" Hibiki inquired.

  "I wasn't there myself to see the corpse, so I can't answer that," Kakashi answered. "However, Hokage-sama believed that that action was either one of two things: a distraction, or a threat, and I interpreted it as the latter. Nothing else happened to the village until the chuunin exams had begun, when I was informed that Orochimaru had infiltrated Konoha."

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