11. Cutting Ties

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Two days had passed since Team 7 began their mission. They were on their third day of travelling, staying at a steady pace as they trekked through the forest. The soil crunched underneath their feet, leaving shallow footprints as a reminder of where they once were. As the sun kissed the horizon, the moon gradually made its way into the spotlight. The pale gleams from the alabaster sphere filtered through the canopy of leaves that hung above their heads.

  Although Hibiki admired the sight, her feelings of resentment overpowered her. Her conversation with Kakashi repeatedly played in her head over and over again.

  "That's all for Yua. Hibiki, there's still something I need to tell you."

  Hibiki's eyes widened just a fraction when she heard Kakashi's orders. What did he want to tell her? She turned around and looked at Yua, who was just starting to walk away. A small smile was on the brunette's face, one that wished her good luck.

  "What do you need to tell me?" Hibiki asked. "Is there anything else you're hiding from me?" 

  "Yes, there is," Kakashi confirmed. "I received news of this during my final conversation with Hokage-sama. He told me more than just about the infiltration of Konohagakure."

  "Man, this is takin' forever, dattebayo!" Naruto complained.

  "We'll be there in a day, Naruto. You just have to wait a bit longer," Kakashi said.

  As Hibiki heard the news, she could hear her heart increase a few beats. Nobody paid much attention to Hibiki's demeanor, since it was barely noticeable.

  She didn't know what she was feeling aside from resentment. Betrayal? Distrust?

  Or was this the only thing that she didn't want to remember?

  "What did Hokage-sama tell you?" Hibiki pressed, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

  "Well, here's how the conversation went."

  The six of them had just set up camp, with the tall trees surrounding them like a barrier. All of them had fallen asleep except for Hibiki. She was sitting on the grassy field as she looked up at the night sky. Hibiki felt physically exhausted; her limbs were aching due to the long hours they spent on travelling. Her mind and emotions, however, refused to rest. The gears in her head continually rotated over and over again. Hibiki didn't want that - she just wanted her mind to be at ease for once. She tucked her knees into her chest as far as she could, providing herself a false sense of warmth and comfort.

  In reality, she only felt cold and broken.

  "These four murders have a purpose, it's most likely a threat to our village. We've been keeping this information confidential to all citizens of Konoha aside from those who were assigned to this task. But those two girls... they're both highly intelligent for their age... I think they'll discover this soon, either with or without help.

  "So that's why I want you to keep an eye on them. Make sure they're safe from harm, no matter what. And when the time comes, Kakashi-kun, if they haven't figured it out, yet, tell them of the incident," the Sandaime Hokage commanded.3

  "Of course, Hokage-sama," Kakashi said. He kneeled before the Hokage, a gloved hand placed over his heart to show his respect and obedience to the village.

  However, before Kakashi could leave the Hokage's office, the elderly man spoke up once more, "Ah, I almost forgot. There's one more thing that I have to tell you."

  Kakashi turned around once more, his eye widening just a fraction, "One more thing?"

  "Yes. You have been assigned to this mission for a while, Kakashi-kun," the Hokage began. "However, I believe that now is the time to reveal more information to you about this case."

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