8. Her Motivation

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Hibiki's eyes opened to a bright, sterile room. She realized that she was back in the hospital. But she didn't spend much time to think about it, as her eyelids were slowly drooping - she was mentally and physically exhausted.

  But, before she could fall asleep again, she heard a light voice shatter the silence in the room, "Hibiki-chan?"

  Hibiki slowly turned her head to the left to find Yua sitting right next to the bed. She had a couple of bandages on her body, but aside from that, she was fine. Hibiki, too, didn't have any major injuries, but she still felt like her body was heavy lead.

  That's when she remembered the last time she opened her eyes. The image of the Sandaime Hokage lying stiffly on the ground was ingrained in her mind like deep wounds. The man who saved her from death was now gone, and her enemy by association was the one who killed him.

  Yua could tell the younger girl was recalling the events that occurred after the chuunin exam, "Hibiki-ch--"

  "How long... have I been asleep for?" the girl interrupted.

  Yua looked down at the ground, "You've been asleep for about a day, but... i-it's horrible! Hokage-sama... h-he's dead... c-completely gone... erased from this world!"

  "Yua-oneesama, I know..." Hibiki replied, trying to mask the depression inside of her.

  Despite Yua's cries, she was able to maintain her composure. No tears came falling from her eyes. Instead, she just concentrated on her hands. Despite the fact that Yua showed kindness towards others, she was quite the reserved individual - even Hibiki was surprised at that fact before she knew Yua.

  "Will there be a funeral?" Hibiki asked, trying to break the depressing silence that loomed between the two.

  "Yes..." Yua began. "The funeral is tomorrow. Do you think you'll be able to go?"

  "Of course, it's not like I'm wounded or anything. I'm just exhausted," Hibiki explained. "Also..." Hibiki remembered, "I need to tell you something."

  Yua looked up from her hands into the girl's eyes, "Hmm? What is it that you need to tell me?"

  Hibiki sat up from the soft bed, straightening her back as she rested against the headpiece. "Since we both think that our memories are vital to determine who the murderer is, I think that it's necessary to explain to you why I fainted... I fainted because I remembered something," Hibiki began. "My childhood and the attack on my village, to be more specific."

  Yua's emerald eyes widened in curiosity as she heard Hibiki. "Please, tell me."

  And so, Hibiki told Yua everything that she remembered. Once she finished, Yua looked outside the window, her eyes squinting as she thought aloud, "I guess the real question now is how your past is connected to the killer?"

  Hibiki brought her hand up to her chin as she thought, "Yes, you're right. I have a few possibilities in mind, but I need more evidence in order to find the right one."

  "Y-you already--"

  "Well, it's not like I suspect anyone, yet. It's still vague, but I think I know that I'm going down the right path. There's nobody who I suspect, it's more like... possible scenarios that I need to cancel out." Hibiki said.

  "I see..." Yua muttered underneath her breath. She then looked up at the ceiling, "Well, I was going to tell you this once you woke up, so now I believe it's my turn. I... don't really want to explain it, but it's the only way we can figure this out."

  "You remember something, too?" Hibiki inquired.

  "Y-yeah. I got knocked out for a while... I was watching you sleep, and I was slumped against your bed--"

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