12. Saudade

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"So you were the one who left my mother."

  Chi's eyes widened a fraction as he stared at the stoic girl. Behind Hibiki, the three genins were in complete shock: Naruto's mouth was wide open, Sakura completely froze in her spot, and Sasuke's eyebrows were raised. Yua, however, looked calm at the reveal. Kakashi noticed this, and was genuinely surprised at the girl's reaction. He began to think about his final conversation with the Sandaime Hokage:

  "Their intelligence can rival any chuunin."

  Those words rung in Kakashi's ears as he continued to observe Yua.

  'Sometimes I forget that she's smarter than she looks. Even then, a secret like this would completely go over chuunin's heads.' Kakashi noted.

  His attention was drawn away once he noted the tension between Chi and Hibiki. Deafening silence hung heavily in the air as everyone stared at the two. Chi noticed this, and decided that now wasn't a good time for a meeting.

  "Everyone, you're dismissed," Chi commanded. Everyone in the tent bowed their heads towards the man before they left the large tent. Before Team 7 could go, the man spoke up once more, "You six, stay here. I need you to report to me what you've discovered."

  There was an awkward silence between them all as they headed closer to Chi. Hibiki didn't move an inch from where she was standing; she was as still as a statue. Chi could feel her violet eyes glare daggers at him, but he didn't buckle under her intimidation. After all, why would a man be afraid of a little girl? Rather, he maintained his composure as he coolly looked at her.

  Her pale face was as tough as titanium, no emotion was showing whatsoever. Eyes were always supposed to be windows to the soul, but even then, Hibiki showed none of her vulnerabilities, her fears, her dreams - absolutely nothing.

  'She reminds me nothing of her, she's too cold.'

  "Well? Are you going to tell me anything of your past?" Chi asked Hibiki.

  "Why did you leave my mother?" Hibiki asked. She wasn't one who enjoyed getting off-topic, but this was more important to her than anything else.

  "Simple. I had my duties as an ANBU member. There was no need for me to stay with a woman from another village," he bluntly answered.

  "I see you're not an ANBU member anymore. Why did you leave? You didn't enjoy repressing your emotions, did you?"

  "Then why am I not showing anything n--"

  "Nevermind," Hibiki said, crossing her arms. She finally casted her gaze away from the man. "I only came here to tell you one thing, not to get into an argument. I wanted to tell you that I..."

  Hibiki trailed off. Finding this as an opening, Kakashi stepped up to the desk, placing his hand on the girl's shoulder.

  "Hibiki... now's not the time for you to let your past get in your way. Don't act this way, we need to get to the bottom of things," Kakashi reasoned. Hibiki dropped her hands to her side, looking up at her sensei. She casted one last glance at the man before she finally regained her composure.

  "Very well then," Hibiki muttered, only allowing Kakashi to hear her. "I'm... sorry for getting in the way of our mission. I'll do it later."

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