2. Seeking One's Identity

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  Hibiki had forgotten what fresh air had smelled like until she was allowed to leave the hospital. She deeply inhaled the crisp air, taking in every moment of her freedom. The sun shone brightly once again, its rays reflecting off of Hibiki's pale skin. She observed her surroundings; the citizens of Konohagakure were a cheerful bunch, a contrast to her cool demeanour.

  As she walked around the village, she observed every nook and cranny, installing it into her empty storage.

  During her walk, she went into a bookstore. The smell of old paper and oak wood filled her nostrils. The bookcases leaned against all four walls, reaching the ceiling of the building. Despite her being nothing more than a lost girl, she felt content with the atmosphere - the calm silence clearing her mind of her problems.

  She traced her porcelain fingers over the spines of the mystery novels, her violet eyes reading every title she came across. When she found one that peaked her interest, she brought it to a mahogany table.

  After what felt like hours, Yua made her way into the library, making her way over to Hibiki.

  "Ah, Hibiki-chan! I've been looking all over for you!" the girl exclaimed.

  Even though Yua was relatively quiet with her exclamation, Hibiki held up a slender finger to her lips, silencing the brunette.

  "I recommend you keep your voice down," Hibiki began, "the people here don't enjoy any sudden noises, despite how quiet you may be. And... 'Hibiki-chan?' I don't recall the two of us being on such friendly terms, I prefer '-san' at the end of my name."

  "But you're really cute! Look at your braided hair, how is that not adorable?!" Yua began. "Besides, I want you to refer to me as 'Yua-oneechan!'"

  "Very well then, Yua-oneesama," Hibiki said, leaving a bright smile on the other girl's face. "Anyways, why do you need me? You must've came here for a reason."

  "Hokage-sama wants to meet with us," Yua said, "we need to be at his office in half an hour."

  "Okay, just one moment," Hibiki replied, standing up from the sturdy chair. She headed over to the counter to purchase the book, along with a pen and a dark purple notebook.

  As the two girls left, a certain silver haired jounin focused his onyx eye on them.


  Before Yua could knock on the dark wooden door, the Sandaime Hokage said, "Come in." Yua and Hibiki walked into the Hokage's office. Hibiki had to squint due to the bright light filtering through the windows.

  "Hokage-sama," Yua said before she bowed down, with Hibiki repeating the brunette's movements soon after.

  "Yua-san, Hibiki-san," the Hokage politely greeted them. "I would like to quickly thank you for allowing us to test your blood and determine your statistics."

  "Of course," Yua said, "anything that can assist you on this mystery, I hope it can help you."

  "Hokage-sama, is there anything else would you like to inform us? I'm sure thanking us wasn't the only thing you had in mind," Hibiki asked.

  "Yes. For starters, here are your profiles as genin," he said, handing their profiles to them. Once they read through their statistics, they handed the leather bound profile back to him. "Secondly, here are your new forehead protectors. Since you'll be staying in Konoha for a while, I thought it was necessary."

  Hibiki felt the smooth, sapphire fabric that laced between her fingers. She traced her finger over the metal plate, feeling the engraving of Konoha's symbol. After taking it in, she knew that there was no going back - Konoha was her home now.

  'Who... am I now?' Hibiki thought. 'What's... my identity?'

  Hibiki's chest began to feel heavy, but Yua broke the depressing silence, "Hokage-sama, you informed me earlier that we now have a place to stay, right?"

  "Yes," the Hokage replied, "here are the directions to your residence."

  "Thank you," Yua kindly said. But before the two girls could leave, the Hokage spoke up once again.

  "Before you leave, I would like to inform you that you'll be training with a genin team tomorrow."

  That night, Hibiki lied down on her new bed, mulling over the events that occurred. It felt like nothing more than a dream to her, but it was an inescapable reality.

Sorry for the short chapter! This is meant to be more of a filler to gradually transition into the next arc. Also, I didn't want to add in any unnecessary details, such as the entire process of them being tested. Not only is it boring, but it's easier to explain things through flashbacks and dialogue imo.

Picture of Yua in the media!

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