4. Distrust

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It had been a few months since Yua and Hibiki began training with Team 7. Since the chuunin exams were coming up, Kakashi was training them harder than ever. Although he didn't really show it, Hibiki knew that he wanted his team to succeed. Despite the fact that the two girls were official genin of Konohagakure, both Hibiki and Yua chose not to participate.

  Due to her observations, she knew that the three of them have gotten stronger after their battle against one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Momochi Zabuza. Since Hibiki and Yua were not allowed to go, they spent those few weeks alone, training with each other.

  The sun was beating down on the six as they were busy sparring with each other. Hibiki and Yua went against each other for the majority of the day. When it came to their affinity type, they were quite a contrast:

  As Hibiki released a stream of water straight at the brunette, the girl fired back with a blast of hot fire. The flames danced passionately before the cool, smooth liquid quenched the flames out, leaving a thick, hot sheet of steam in between the two girls. Although water typically overpowers fire, Hibiki's strength in ninjutsu, chakra control, and hand seals assisted her in her battle.

  However, Yua was stronger in taijutsu and speed. While Hibiki was trying to find the other girl, she sensed someone darting behind her. She turned around and noticed Yua about to land a kick with those powerful legs of hers. Before she could block her opponent she was pushed onto the ground. When it came to close combat, Hibiki would have difficulties blocking Yua's quick and precise attacks. As a means of fighting back, Hibiki used various strategies in order to push Yua into a corner. Luckily for Hibiki, Yua didn't know many forms of genjutsu, so she didn't have to worry about escaping from any illusions.

  Despite how much Hibiki disliked teamwork, they were powerful as a team - whatever one's weakness was, the other had it as a strength.

  They were an unstoppable force.

  By the time their training session had ended, the sun had almost disappeared from the horizon. After cooling down, the two girls left.

  "Good luck, you guys!" Yua yelled, waving as they walked away.

  "Watch us as we become chuunin before you guys, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.

  As they set off, Yua noticed that Hibiki was quiet - more than usual.

  "Hey, is something on your mind, Hibiki-chan?" Yua asked.

  There was a brief moment of silence during their trek through the dark forest.

  "I don't think they'll become chuunin," Hibiki stated.

  "You sound like you have more experience than them."

  "That's because I'm a year older than them."

  "And I'm a year older than you," Yua shot back. "Anyways, they've gotten quite a bit stronger ever since that mission against Momochi Zabuza," she pointed out.

  "There's no doubt in my mind that they've gotten stronger. Uzumaki-kun is an impulsive blond, but he has a powerful chakra... I can sense it. Haruno-san... despite her always focusing on Uchiha-kun, she is highly intelligent, and she has great control over her chakra. As for Uchiha-kun, he's probably the most rounded of the group - he's strong in every area. However, his personality is very... concerning."


  "It's nothing," Hibiki muttered.

  "But, you didn't answer my question, yet. You just said they've gotten stronger, but they aren't capable of becoming chuunin?"

  "It's because I can't trust them," Hibiki admitted.

  Yua stared at the ground before she continued, "But, they're our team... why can't you trust them?"

  "It's nothing of your concern, is it?" Hibiki glared at the taller girl. "Protect yourself against deception, and never allow others to read your emotions. It's as simple as that."

  "So, do you trust me?" Yua quietly asked.

  Hibiki abruptly stopped, taking in the words Yua just asked. "I... trust you more than other people. However, that doesn't mean I'll tell you everything about my life. I know that I have been betrayed in my past - I just don't know by who, yet."

  "Hibiki-chan... you can't rely on yourself forever... you realize that, right? I know there will be a moment in which you'll need someone else to work with - to trust, and you need to start now."

  "I already trust you more than most people, so I think we'll be fine with each other. Right, Yua-oneesama?"

  A hollow smile formed on Yua's mouth, "Although I appreciate the fact that you trust me, I won't be there for you forever. That's why I'm telling you to get closer to others."

  "I'm aware that you might not be by my side all the time," Hibiki replied.

  "You're a smart girl, aren't you, Hibiki-chan? I know that you understand, but... we're both stuck in the world of shinobi - we don't know when our lives will be taken away. We're like bananas on a shelf--"

  "You don't need to compare us to bananas," Hibiki pointed out.

  "I know, but... we'll eventually rot away, just like bananas. Who knows when I might die - who knows when you'll die. But, if I die, you'll be alone on your difficult mission, and you can't rely on just yourself. That's why I'm asking you to just try," Yua pleaded.

  Hibiki's purple eyes stared right into Yua's green ones, "I'll take it into consideration, but I won't make any guarantees."

  And with that, the two girls continued on their walk through the dark forest.

As you can tell, Hibiki's fatal flaw is her distrustful nature. Do you think this will greatly impact the story? If so, how?

Also, I hope I've clarified a few things about the two girl's abilities. Do you guys like it? I'm curious, so I'd love to know!

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