Coming Out Part 2

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Quick Disclaimer: I wrote most of this book before coming out as non-binary! I may use my birthname and female pronouns, but those do not currently honor me. Hi! My name is Lane, and I use they/them pronouns. Hope you enjoy!

So I realized that I never really talked about another part of my coming out story: how I came out as panromantic.

On September 1st, 2016, I came out to my mom as panromantic.

Like my first coming out experience, I tried to come out through means other than face to face. This time, I tried coming out using the Coming Out Song by Ally Hills (with some lyric changes. Go check it out, it's awesome).

I uploaded the video to YouTube on private, then sent my mom the link. She called me on her way home from were, and my heart stopped. However, she said she wasn't able to watch it until she got home. So, I told her to watch it before she spoke to me. She agreed, albeit skeptically.

She came home, watched the video, and I cringed through the wall, and she came into my room, and I promptly began to cry. She was very comforting, however, and she told me what her concerns were, some of them rather irritating, saying that I was too young to know, etc, etc. She was confused as to the difference between romantic and sexual attraction, so I had to explain that.

Just like last time, she listened and understood. She gave me a hug after and told me it was okay. I can't believe I actually did it. This was much scarier than coming out the first time. But I'm so glad I did

Please leave any questions in the comments, or if you want them to remain private, DM me :) Thank you so much for reading, it means soo much to me. Much love ~Kay

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