26 August, 1701

24 2 6

 The man who was supposed to be my authoritative figure did not show himself today, but instead sent a bright young fellow, who spoke English very well, in his place. His son, I soon learned by way of introductions. This young man did not wish to work as a merchant, and decided that I was to take his place, though he would be keeping the money I earned. He explained that because he payed for my way over, I must do his work in order to pay back my debt.

While I was at work on this day, I saw such a strange man. He was dressed only from the waist down and carried a spear on his back. At first I was truly frightened! What was such a man doing here, carrying a kind of weapon like so? Once he struck a conversation with a soldier, however, I soon forgot my trepidation and became quite intrigued. Who was this man? Were there more like him? I do intend to write Father as soon as I may. Perhaps he could be of help. Alas, how I miss my old life dearly. A life of which I knew everyone, and if they so carried a weapon then I should be standing right beside them yielding the same weapon and reason. I do wonder if I shall ever become acquainted with a man like him, and if so, will we too fight together?

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