Chapter. 11

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(At Circus Maximus castle)

After Titus got back to his room. Jester, who was asleep but just happened to woken up by Titus who jumped on him.
"Woah! Titus! Do not jump on people when they are asleep!"
Titus did not say anything, he just kept on rubbing his face on Jester and kicking.
Titus rolled to get off Jester, and stuck himself to him. Making Jester as if he was hugging him.
"Titus, did something good happen with lord Zeus?"
"Hehee~ He..he called me beautiful~" Titus cupped his face with little embarrassment.
"Really!" Jester surprised. "And you are happy about it?"
"Of course I am~" he rubbed his face on Jester. "Because it is the first time someone called me beautiful". The joyful sound filled Titus's voice.
Jester smiled gently and started stroking Titus's hair then said. "What else did he say?"
"He.. he basically complement everything about me. My eyes even my skin which its pretty much is the most thing I hate about myself, but he magically made me glad to have it! He said its resemble the moon, I resemble the moon Jester!!" Titus looked up to face Jester. "Hey Jester! am.. am I beautiful!?" Titus asked with a little bit of shyness.
Jester softly chuckled. "Yes, you are. Lord Zeus only pointed out the obvious".
Titus smiled. "Jester~ You know, you too the most handsome man I have ever met you know that. without the mask that identify you as a clown, you could be like one of the human royalties".
Jester chuckled and said with playful tone. "Well~ thank you~ you smooth talker. I much appreciate your compliment".
Titus giggled softly then after some silent moments, he changed his expression to a serious one and said. "Jester.."
"I am scared"
"This emotion within me, I cannot have it. It is nothing but a burden... a curse.."
Jester sat down then said. "Then why do you dejected?"
"Eh!? what do you mean?"
"Shouldn't you be happy instead, isn't this feeling suppose to make you feel happy?"
Titus smiled with sad eyes. "I said it is a curse, but actually I am the cursed one".
"And why is that?"
Titus sat down and hugged his knees, while resting his chin on it. "You know... because I am immortal".
"And what is the problem?"
Titus's voice were very low and sad. "I..I never in my whole life tried to be in relationship in any kind, because if I were in one and then years have to pass by, my parter would be disappointed by being the only one growing up and changing as if the time is moving only around them. This the first part, how my parter is going to feel. As for my case, after my partner's time is up and I am completely alone, I will be the miserable one who got left alone. Thats why, why should I try when both of us would be unhappy. Only you Jester, I could not cut you off my life".
"Titus". Jester softly calling him.
Titus did not replay to him.
"Titus look at me".
Titus slightly looked up.
"Titus.. what you just said should not stop you, because what if a human fall in love with an elf or a demon! For humans they see them as immortal creatures, humans will age fast but demons and Elfs are not. Even for jesters! if they fall for humans, humans will age and die much sooner than us. And if I take you as an example, if you weren't an immortal would you have treated yourself the same way as you do now?"
Titus shook his head disagreeing.
"Well, I find it unconvincing. Because Titus, even if you weren't an immortal this situation would still be the same but in the opposite way. you were going to be the one to age faster and lord Zeus would be the one to be left alone. So immortal or not, nothing would change. You should not call yourself as a cursed one, okay!"
"But..but.. even if you were right there are other problems".
"Like what?"
"Like.. like.. lord Zeus is a demon! And not any demon but a lord! And I am mere jester who ranks at the very bottom".
Jester held Titus's face and rise it up. "This is not a problem, you should just try your best to win him, and it is his own choice to choose what to do, you should not jump to conclusion. Although, I would not lie to you, it might be a difficult road to take".
"Jester, Why are you being so positive".
"Normally I would agree with you on what you said. However, I am pretty sure lord Zeus cares about you a lot, so you should try your best".
"B-but there is another problem.."
"And what is it".
"Um.. How should I say it". Titus playing with his by being nervous. "Well, Lord Zeus and me... we are both same gender. And of course as a lord he wants a successor, Right!".
"Hmmm.. You know, I cannot speak on lord Zeus behave, but you should worry about it after. If you are going to think about all the problems you will never start anything. If you win lord Zeus over, you could both solve your problems together, maybe the things you are worried about lord Zeus already got the solutions for them".
Titus stayed silent for couple seconds then he said with cracked voice. "Then.. then I am allowed to feel this way?"
Jester hugged Titus and said. "Yes..yes, you are. And what are your feelings?"
Titus hugged Jester tightly back and said. "I..I I am in love with him! I love lord Zeus to the point where it hurts, it hurts a lot!! When I am not suppose to feel pain any kind of pain at all!!".
"And I will do anything to help you, Titus. And I will do anything to change this pain to happiness for you".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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