Chapter. 4

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(At Circus Maximus castle)

Zeus was dazed in space when Nero marched in all mad. "My lord!!"

"Geez! Nero, you startled me!"

Zeus noticing Nero's angry face, he smiled with confusion. "Wh..why are you mad?"

"Why did you do that?" Nero said.

"And, what did I do?" Zeus still confused.

Nero replied with annoyed tone. "Why did you do that at the party, the other day?"

"At the party?"

"Do not act like you did nothing, how can a lord like you act all emotional and storm out like that in the middle of an important party like this! You need to look out for your reputation!"

Zeus whining "eeh~ will you stop it please~ what is done is done! so can you move on. You know, You are going to get old soon Nero, you stressing yourself out".

Nero getting more irritated. "Who do you think the reason for all my stresses haah!!"

Zeus getting scared "Geh! scary Nero is out! Okay, okay, I will listen to you. What do you want me to do?"

Nero all serious. "First of all you need to write in apology letter to master Claudius and I am going to deliver it myself".

"eeeh~ I do not want to apology to that old fat man".

"Do not complain or I will make you go and apologize in person".


"I know that, you are not a fan of him but, you need to do it for you own sake. To not lose everyone's respect for you".

Zeus smirked "Heee~ It is true that you are always serious and get mad at me all the time. But in the end, you really do care about me, Right."

Nero Immediately replied. "Of course I do. what do you take me for".

Zeus blushed a little. "Hehe.. now you making me feel embarrassed, with your straight forward answer.. I am glad Nero is by my side". Zeus smiled.

Nero blushed too. "*Ahem* Do not suddenly act wired like this".

Zeus was shocked "Eh! wired! how rude~ now Zeus is sad~"

"Stop it, it is not cute. It is creepy".


"Anyway my lord, you need to get the letter ready as soon as possible".

"Yes, Sir".

(The following day)

Zeus already finished writing the letter and Nero is getting ready to leave. At the gate when he was about to go out, he looked at Zeus and said. "My lord, can I ask you question".

"Hm! Yes, sure what is it?"

Nero getting nervous. "I never got the chance to ask you but, why did you get angry at the party? you were not even talking to master Claudius at that time."

"Aaa~ that day. It really was not cool of me to get mad like that..but".

Nero said curiously. "But what?"

"That jester, he was so rude and unbelievable! And I do not believe myself even more, for getting all worked up like that!"

"Jester? which one of them you mean"? Nero a little surprised.

"The one with the grey skin color. He did not even faze when I threaten him with being executed".

"Ha?! execution?! what do you mean".

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