We saw a girl close to our age, she had curly midnight blue hair and fair skin color, and her eyes were somehow strangely filled with a violet color. I scanned her clothes which were ripped with all sorts of slashes, a basic shirt and pair of shorts now a mesh of fabric that was barely hanging in one piece.
She had a bruise on her cheek and a cut on her lower lip, but she also had a gunshot wound on her right arm with blood dripping down and making an echoing drip to the same floor I had mopped just earlier that day, the smell of metal now mixing with the familiar scent of dish soap.
Her eyes wandered to us, "you have this many kids Briggs" she asked with a sort of smirk, although you could tell in her eyes she was in complete pain.
"Haha, real funny Siren," Briggs said sarcastically before suddenly Dean got up, put her in his arms, and carried her onto the kitchen counter without ever saying a word as he stood by her.
"Thanks," she said calmly
"No problem" was his only response, before thinking for a few seconds and adding another thought, "Cobra, I'm guessing."
She shrugged "well let's just say from their marks I came out as the winner." She said looking down at her sharp nails.
"Wait, so you're the famous ass-kicking Siren," Lia said with a hint of light in her eyes. I could already see the wheels in her mind spinning, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one in the room who could, however, I wasn't expecting this new stranger to also be so perceptive as she didn't take a second beat to respond.
"And you're the sarcastic lie detector."
Lia had a frozen laugh, and Dean let a chuckle slip out.
When Judd finished bandaging up Siren's wound Siren hopped down from the counter and looked at Dean in the eyes "a complicated history for a complicated guy, making you a natural profiler" she said "same goes for you to red" she added whilst looking at me. Her eyes then wandered to Sloane "good with patterns, numbers, and a natural at facts." All of us, including Lia, looked at her in awe over how quickly she was able to pick apart these fine details while being in the condition she was. She then rotated on her heels to look at Briggs "So what do you want" she started "I know you want something Briggs, and it must be big if you were hunting me down."
Briggs was silent, but Siren seemed to know exactly what he wanted to say "You want me to join your Naturals program" she had already answered his side of the conversation, but she clearly wasn't happy with her correct guess "no way pops, I'm into active cases" she argued.
Briggs walked towards us "Everyone in the living room now" he turned to Siren and added, "including you."
It seemed as though she wanted to continue to argue but saw no point in spending her energy without first hearing the man out, so instead, she sighed and followed "Well, I've got nothing better to do." That was true, but based on the way she limped ever so slightly and glanced at her now bandaged arm, I could assume she simply just wanted to take a seat before she could figure out her next plan of action.
I watched as Dean walked over to siren as we all followed suit from behind "you okay" he asked, glancing at the bandage he caught her taking a peek at just before she whipped her vision back forward, "it'll heal, but it'll leave a pretty nasty scar behind for at least a month, but I'm assuming by the way you keep touching at the skin around it, you're already comparing it to the other scars you already have healing on your body."
Siren seemed as though she was sizing up Michael, trying to profile him down by the inch, assuming she hadn't done so already when she analyzed Dean, Sloane, and I. Her raw talent for profiling was definitely noticeable after the performance she delivered in the kitchen, now the only thing on my mind was wanting to know just how good she could be when she wasn't injured or out of stamina.
Lia noticed me looking at them and plopped down on the couch next to me "jealous," she asked with a grin.
"I don't know what your talking about," I responded while making a note not to look back at her.
"Liar" she hummed mockingly.
I was about to say something when Michael came into the room "what's all this secrecy about anyway Briggs, or did you just miss us so much that you're trying to milk every minute you have with us" he asked jokingly.
Briggs seemed to already be regretting having the rest of us there as he sighed with a heavy breath "so, Siren I have a offer for y..."
"No," siren said, simply and mercilessly cutting off Briggs, standing up with a deep breath as she balanced herself and began to state a case, "how man times do I have to repeat this to you and the rest of your task force that I don't need to be locked in this house Briggs, not cooped up in a nest when I can be doing something with my life for others."
I couldn't quite explain it, but the way in which she worded that had begun to annoy me. What did she mean by 'doing something with her life'? She was already insinuating what? That she was better than us for getting cases that were still active? it was starting to piss me off and while I was trying my best to bite my tongue, it seemed that my thoughts were already beginning to spill from my mouth. "We do that here too" I murmured louder than I intended, but everyone had heard, Including Siren who was about to argue when Briggs now cut her off, "Cassie is right we do that here too, you can help a lot with your ability Siren.
"What is your ability anyway," Lia asked whilst curiosity filled her voice.
"Let me guess, another profiler," Michael asked, already rolling his eyes.
"She's a hypnotist and an illusionist." Briggs said while looking over a file in his hands, "who just also happens to be really good at getting a sense of people, but profiling is not what she specializes in, if she did then I would simply just have Dean and Cassie be looking into it. Not that I really need to explain my reasonings to you Michael" he added that last bit with a bitter note in his tone of voice before clearing up his throat with a cough and getting back to the girl he was originally talking to, "look Siren, I really need your help on this case, it's active."
We all went silent at that part, looking at Siren who was now silent as she actually seemed to be weighing her options before she made a response.
"What do you need me for exactly" was the first question she had.
"Well, these five are naturals at crimes, but I'm not quite sure if they can be just as natural at school" he paused "You all will be attending a high school called valleyway high for this next case, and will need to be at your most secretive behaviors."
"Well," Siren paused, "it's active, so I guess I'm in Briggs" she responded with a nod as he did the same.
"So what are we looking for exactly there," Dean asked with a small smile of curiosity forming.
"First I'm going to let you all get comfortable, then I'll give you the details." He paused "I suggest you enjoy this weekend because starting Monday is the first day of school." he ended while walking out with his other agents.

The Naturals
FanfictionThe Naturals is a group of teens with special abilities used to solve cold cases, they are secretly working with the FBI and trained detectives. They have been through a lot, but things just got a lot more complicated when a new mysterious girl show...