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     "I say this calls for a celebration," Siren said cheerfully, whilst looking arms with Lia and starting to walk out of the living room.

     "I like you," Lia said with satisfaction as she smiled and poked at her arm, "you can pick out something from my closet if you want" she offered Siren, not even really waiting for an answer as she let her excitement get the better of her and dragged the girl upstairs to pick from her endless array, the same one she threatened to end me over if I ever thought of borrowing something.

     "I can't believe we're actually going to school," Sloane said excitedly, coffee in her hand, which I didn't think was a good idea. Considering Sloane really doesn't ever need more caffeine in her system, I was outvoted in taking it seriously though, so now I shrug as she does what she wants.

     "So what do you guys think of Siren," I asked as everyone was doing their own things in the kitchen. 

     "I think she's cool, really independent," Dean said not going into full profiling details.

     While Michael continued searching the cabinets for snacks, only answering with his own opinion once he decided he had a good enough array, "she's tough, I mean she's gotta be if Briggs is being so desperate about getting her on this case."

     "Desperate's a strong word, but I like it if it means Briggs can do the one thing I've been waiting for him to do for years," Siren answered as she came down the stairs with Lia, her cut-up clothing now replaced with a pair of sweats I recognized as the ones nobody ever reclaimed after a day we all accidentally tossed our clothes into the wash at once, and a tank top that I was sure came from Lia's closet, she sniffed the air which was filled with the aroma of coffee and seemed to be gleaming at the idea of a cup, this was made especially clear by the sound of her stomach reacting to hunger, "uh, could I maybe have a cup of coffee, I haven't eaten anything since last night."

     Everyone was quick to react, Sloane brought her a cup filled 3/4 of the way while Dean brought out creams and sugars to the table, and Michael served her a bowl of chips that had still yet to be open, probably a part of his secret stash but nobody thought to question it right now. 

     Siren sighed happily as she relaxed into a chair while drinking her cup of coffee, "thanks, for the clothes and food," she looked down at her bandage, "and the nursing too I guess" she laughed somewhat nervously, as if not really knowing what else to say, I guess I could relate to the feeling the best since I was freshly the newest of the group up until her.

     "It's no problem, Just glad you didn't pass out from all that blood loss" I joked.

     "Yea, me too" she agreed with a small chuckle before taking another swig of her drink, wiping at her mouth as she set her cup down on the table, "so, Valleyway High is located in Chicago in case you guys weren't aware. Briggs has locations for the naturals set up in all sets of places, and to my understanding, the Chicago location isn't all that different from the one set up here, probably just minor things but most of the layout should be about the same."

     "And you know this because," Michael began to ask, but slyly smiled as he already could assume the possibilities of answers. 

     "I make my rounds" was her only answer as she began to snack on the chips from the bowl that was served for her.

     "Chicago, nice, always wanted a bipolar weather vacation spot," Lia said, and I couldn't exactly pinpoint whether that was sarcasm or genuine excitement she was trying to display.

     "Well according to forecast reliability Lia, A seven-day forecast can accurately predict the weather about 80 percent of the time, so the chances of the weather being as fluid as you make them out to be isn't all that high." 

     Siren nodded, impressed by the accuracy of Sloane's stats, "so you guys really do eat, sleep and breathe on your talents" she made note of as she looked around at us, "cool".

     "Well I get how hypnosis could be helpful but how does Illusionist work into how you do things," Dean asked, recalling when Briggs told us her natural abilities. 

     "I mean to be entirely fair, they kind of go hand in hand, not in the way that I can't do one without the other, but more in the way that one can definitely be stronger with the other," she said while cracking her fingers rather loudly, each pop of her finger happening slowly before rapidly cracking the rest of the joints in her hands, she then stood up to crack the other parts of her body, "can you put some pressure on my shoulders, Sloane?"

     "Oh sure," she responded while getting up from her seat across the table and walking over to Siren, placing her hands directly on her shoulders until they popped. Only for her to immediately faint Siren's body and be slumped onto her shoulders fully unconscious. 

     "Oh that was awesome as fuck" Michael said excitedly as his eye grew wide in admiration over what just happened, "how the hell did you do that and can you teach me how to do that to Dean?"

     Siren laughed while Dean glared back at Michael, "sound has been proven to cause humans to have natural reactions to certain patterns or pitches, it's like when a person hears an alarm, their initial reactions are shock. in hypnosis it's more usual to use the sense of vision with the typical 'watch the clock' method, I got bored of that real quick and it's not as good when you're trying to be secretive, so I picked up the other ways to hypnotize the human mind through the other human senses we have," she looked back at Sloane who was now beginning to snore ever so softly.

     "Like I said, hypnosis makes sense but I just don't see how 'illusions' are supposed to help you on the field," Dean questioned, "you put Sloane to sleep through hypnosis but--

     "Well, I'm gonna go find Judd so he can tell me where to sleep" Siren said yawning on her way to find Judd, suddenly waking Sloane from the hypnosis she was under, making her come back to reality with confusion.

    "I'll come with," I said following, thinking it would be a good time to profile her. 

    "I know you only came with to profile me, I'm not stupid," Siren said not turning to look at me.

    "That's not true" I lied. 

    "Liar." She said as I led her to the basement where Judd would most likely be. 

    "Do you have more than two abilities" I asked with curiosity filling my voice again, it was strange how she could pick up on so many things, using so many aspects that did seem to be her specialty.

    She started to walk slower "That's a long story for another day" she said while approaching Judd.

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