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Come on... come on.”

On any other Saturday, Leana would have had other plans.

After all, who wouldn't love to relax on the comfortable, brown sofa's in the Starbucks shop?

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be surrounded with the delicious scents of freshly made coffee, tea and cupcakes?

But unfortunately, these wonderful things weren't in store for her today.

Today she was on a schedule.

After looking at the long line of people in front of her, for what must have been the eleventh time, she sighed.

Why couldn't these people order their coffees beforehand? It would have certainly spared Leana a lot of time. Hailey and Mary were probably wondering what took her so long.

Her eyes wandered around the room and a jealous glint appeared in them as she took in the lucky ones; all sitting on the couches and chatting happily.

Leana felt a stab of guilt at those thoughts and swallowed.

She shouldn't complain.

Like her father and mother had said so many times before, she should be proud to have the wonderful job she had.

After all, not a lot of people were lucky enough to find their dream job.

Sure, the deadlines were a pain and the schedule was often tight, but that was nothing compared to the wonderful feeling of satisfaction she felt whenever she thought about her job.

Another sigh escaped from her lips as she checked the time on her Iphone.


Her grip tightened around the phone and her head snapped up at hearing that voice. It sounded like a memory from a dream.

From her dreams about him...

No! She shook her head, it couldn't be possible, she was just imagining things.

She decided to ignore the voice and stared straight in front of her.

Leana?” It sounded for a second time.

A shiver went down her spine.

No way!

She slowly turned around and from the moment she saw the speaker, her heart stopped.

A tall man was walking in her direction. His brown hair was messy but neat and decorated with a black hat.

She took in his clothes. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black print, a black vest and black jeans. Also, black and white All Stars were worn by him as footwear.

In short: everything about him screamed 'classy rocker'.

He took off his designer sunglasses, only to reveal two beautiful brown eyes. When the man stopped in front of her, he put his hands in his pockets. A habit of his that she remembered all too well.

He smiled, “ Hey Leana, long time no see.”


Her eyes travelled over him once more.

Then she swallowed: yes, it was him.

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