Chapter Three

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AN: Hello everyone!

So, what I didn't tell was that this story wil handle two P.O.V's; Leana's and Killian's.

This chapter is the first one with Killian's P.O.V. in it as well.

Anyway, I hope you like the story so far!

Have a nice read!


  Chapter three

 It took a while for Leana to let the information, that Mary had just given her, sink in.

Her eyes found her friend's, “Is this for real?”

Mary nodded vigorously, “Oh yes, Killian is the son of the Rock God Rick Firedon. There's no doubt about that. Check the article again if you can't believe it.”

Leana took her time to process this again and snorted, well there's no doubt now that Killian would probably see himself as a god as well.

Her eyes travelled over the article as she read it again.

So, he really is the son of a rocker? Ha! This definitely explains his attitude problem!

After one last chuckle, she regained herself and started to think things through.

Her eyes met Mary's again, “Firedon is it? I knew that name sounded familiar. I had been certain that I had heard that name before when I met Killian. Unfortunately I couldn't place it back then.”

Hailey was leaning closer and closer to her sister's laptop screen, right now her nose was actually mere inches away from it.

“So, is there any other important information apart from the rock- star – thing?”

Leana smiled at that, Hailey was after all the most curious one.

Mary looked at the article again, “Well, it says here that Rick Firedon is married to a retired model, with the name of Sydney Crawford. Oh, here's something interesting...”

Mary double – clicked on whatever it was and a new window opened on the computer screen.

“Tadah! A family portrait! Or rather, a family photograph. Oh, and guess who is in the picture as well?”

At the same time Leana's and Hailey's head moved even closer in the direction of the laptop screen.

The picture showed a very handsome man in the beginning of his forties. He had thick, dark-brown hair and wonderful brown eyes. His left arm enclosed the tiny waist of the woman next to him. She was absolutely breathtaking. The woman had long, curly black hair and beautiful green eyes.

Then Leana eyes fell on the last person in the picture.

A boy was standing right in front of the couple, his mother's hand was placed on his right shoulder. She focussed herself on the boy, and sure enough, her brain immediately recognised him as Killian.

Then her eyes quickly moved to the paragraph underneath the picture. It read, 'Rick Firedon, his wife Syndney and their son Killian at the launch of Firedon's new album “Just drive” .

As Leana looked at the date, her eyebrows shot up in surprise. Apparently this picture was taken only a year ago.

Slowly, but surely, more and more pieces started to fit together. All the information she had heard in these past ten minutes finally sank in.

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