Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Leana was standing in front of the mirror in her en-suite bathroom. Her gaze travelled over the unfamiliar girl who was looking back at her.

She swallowed at her appearance and shook her head, thinking, this isn't the me I know.

She stepped closer and swallowed as she took in the make- up of the girl.

That person had put on eye-liner, mascara, blush, eye- shadow and lip gloss. That was everything you needed, right?

Or at least, that is what she thought was needed.

This really isn't me... Leana was used to a more natural look for she usually never wore any make -up at all.

Hell, she didn't even own any make-up. In fact, everything that was lying before her on the bathroom counter she had lent from Elaine and the twins. After all, it was Elaine who pushed her into wearing make-up tonight.

She regarded herself again and frowned, “This can't be right... I must have done something wrong while applying it...”

The mascara wasn't supposed to clot right? And the colours of the eye-shadow were supposed to blend nicely, no?

Well, why wasn't that the case with her make-up then!

“Leana! Are you all right in there?” Someone called.

She flinched, suddenly remembering that Elaine and the twins were in her bedroom, waiting for her to show herself.

A small panic came over her, she couldn't go in there looking like this!

Swallowing she called back, “Just a minute! I will come out soon!”

Someone scoffed, probably Mary or Elaine, and the last one said, “You have been saying that for the past half hour! Come out!”

“No! I'm not ready yet...” Leana quickly grabbed the bottle of make-up remover and put a small amount of the fluid on a cotton pad. Then she started rubbing the terrible-smelling liquid over her face, as hard as she could.

After a few minutes, a new panic filled her heart, “Why doesn't it go away! It has to go away!”

“Leana! I swear if you don't come out in five seconds, we will kick down this door and drag you out!”

Her eyes went wide, “No! Wait!”

Elaine and Mary however started the count down, “Five... four...”

“No! Please wait!”

“Three... two... one. We will come in right now!”

A loud bang sounded from the outside of the door.

She waited for a few tense seconds for her friends to come in.

But when nothing happened, Leana frowned and glanced at the door. It hadn't moved an inch.

A small smiled started to appear on her lips when they kicked it once again. Again, nothing happened.

But after hitting the door a third time, a loud yell sounded from the other side of it.

Leana was startled by it but soon figured out that one of her friends must have hurt herself.

As quick as she could she unlocked the door, swung it open and stormed in her bedroom.

A few groans sounded from beneath her. She looked down and saw Mary and Elaine lying on the carpet.

She hurried towards them and stretched out her hands, “Are you two all right?”

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