Chapter One

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The High school years

Chapter one

 Ten years earlier

The rays of the morning sun crept through the curtains and, as if on cue, a few birds started to chirp outside her window.

Leana stirred at hearing the sounds of nature and slowly opened her eyes. When she realised what day it was, she shot up in her bed and threw the covers off her.

An annoyed mew sounded from the foot of the bed and a small head peered at her from underneath the blanket.

Leana looked behind her , “Oh, I'm sorry Isis. I am just very excited today, so for a moment I forgot you were on the bed as well. Please accept my apology?" She made a small bow towards the cat.

But the last one turned her head away and glared at her from the corners of its blue eyes.

Its owner pulled up an elegant eyebrow and shrugged, “ Suit yourself,” and disappeared in the large on-suite bathroom.

When the Siamese was wrapping itself around Leana's legs a few minutes later, it was clear that Isis had forgotten about their disagreement.

Leana smiled, “Yes, I love you too Isis.”

After getting dressed and brushing her hair, she made her way down the fancy staircase and into the kitchen. Once inside, she was immediately greeted by her brown Labrador, Hera.

“Well hello there sweetie, how are you today?” Leana asked, as she rubbed Hera behind her ears. While doing that, her eyes travelled around the kitchen.

Her dad was sitting by the kitchen island, typing away on his laptop. Her mum was drinking coffee and eating a bagel.

Her dad briefly looked up from his laptop, “ Good morning, my daughter.”

Leana moved towards him to kiss his cheek and moved over to her mother to do the same.

Her mother smiled at her, “So, are you ready for your second term of your twelfth/junior year?”

Leana nodded while filling a glass with orange juice, “ I am. I can't wait for the lessons to start again.”

Her father nodded approvingly and without taking his eyes from the laptop screen he said, “That's my girl. Anyway, there is something that we have to tell you.”

After hearing that, Leana took in her father's outfit, then her eyes moved to her mother's.

Yep, they were wearing their business attire.

“Do you have to leave for work?” She asked casually

“Well yes, both of us have to catch a flight to North- America today.”

Leana cast down her eyes, trying to hold back a sigh, “How long will you be gone?”

“Probably for a month or two.”

His daughter nodded again. She shouldn't be sad. It was normal for a business man and an editor-in-chief of a classy, international magazine to travel a lot, right?

“Do you think you'll be fine, honey?”

Her mother always asked that question, even though she knew the answer by heart.

Nevertheless Leana smiled, “Yes, mum. After all these years I am quite capable of looking after myself. Please, don't worry.”

Her mother took Leana's hand in hers, “ We know that, honey. But you know that I always need to ask that.”

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