Chapter 1

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The night was cold, dark, I laid there on the cold ground holding my wound. Pain strung through my arm. A demonic presence was close and approaching quickly. I hoisted myself up from the ground and began to run away. 'Why am I running?' I thought as I ran. Light peaked through the bushes ahead of me. 'Perfect! Demons hate light' I darted through the bushes into the brightness of a street lamp. All around there were trees, bushes, like some sort of park. There wasn't anyone around as far as I could see. 'I can take off and fly away' I thought as I began to run, I leaped upwards and began to fly through the air. Next thing I knew a sharp pain strung through my upper back, and left shoulder, as I hit the ground, hard enough to knock the air out of my lungs.

"Hey? Are you alright?" A man came running into my line of vision. He began to help me up, out of the blue the demon from before tried to attack the man. I quickly went into protective mode and pushed him out of the way putting up a energy shield with a fraction of a second to spare. I had to ignore the excruciating pain that shot through my body. The shield successfully repelled the demon and flung it back. "W-what is that?!" He asked, voice laced with shock. This man clearly never came in contact with anything as discussing or as vile as a Ty demon before. Yet I have, their scaly green skin and red eyes, it reminded me of a frog.

"It's a demon," I bluntly replied, lowering the shield, I allowed my true form to show, black feathery wings mounted themselves to my back, my black armor became visible and my dark brown eyes turned crimson with black pigments. Two blades became mounted to my wrists. I heard the man's breath hitch as I transformed.

The demon began to speak, "you are the Dark Angel Rose?" I stayed silent, yes indeed I am the Dark Angel Rose, and this man who has now seen me, I am now bound to until I leave this dimension.

The demon attacked once again, this time I did not flee or try to block instead I lashed out at the demon with inhuman strength, easily killing the Ty demon. The moment I landed on the ground I collapsed, my armor faded, my eyes turned back to their normal deep brown, and pain took over.

The man from earlier picked me up and took me away from the park. The last thing I remember was the sound of the man's voice saying it was okay. He'd take care of me, then everything went black.

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