Chapter 7

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A few days passed rather quickly. The party was mere hours away. Oh how I dreaded having to be there but I must endure it.

We were currently in Jason's apartment, getting ready for this event. I came out of my room wearing a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. "Please tell me you are not going to a party looking like that." Jason said. I glanced over at him he was wearing a navy blue t shirt that looked as if it were a little small on him. (I'm mean you could see his muscles through his shirt!) To my surprise he had a rather fine tone and good frame.'Why didn't I ever notice that he has a six pack?!'

"Are you going like that?" I ask turning the question right back at him.

"No I'm going to change. I suggest you do the same." His tone of voice was like acid. I actually kinda hurt. 'WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?!?! IM A DEMON! WE DON'T GET HURT FEELINGS!'

I watched his movements as he walked to his bedroom and shut the door quietly behind him. I then did the same 'I suppose I can use my hidden form technique to hide my normal clothing' I put on a nice looking deep blue dress, it had a silver belt that hung slightly off center, I pulled my hair up and curled the ends. When I exited the room I was greeted with an awaiting Jason, looking quite handsome if I may say so myself. 'WAIT! NO NO NNNNNO! NOT HAPPENING STOP THINKING THAT!'

"Ready to go?" He asked snapping me out of my mental state.

"Yes" I replied walking to the door, I grabbed my usual brown leather jacket and black boots. I felt a large semi round palm on my shoulder, I turned around to face Jason.

"Here," he clasped something around my neck.

"Huh? What's this?" I questioned as I walked to the small mirror on the wall. I saw the most beautiful choker pendant I had ever seen, it was a small light blue sapphire with a silver holster. I looked over at Jason and gave him one of the most genuine smiles I had, "Thank you."

"No problem," he said turning towards the door.

We drove to a hotel where the party was to be taking place. When we walked in I was astonished by what I saw. The entryway was huge and very exquisite, the party started at 6 so I had a little bit of time to explore but I also had to keep an eye on Jason. "Rose stay close to me," he said snapping me back to reality.

"As you wish," I said going over to him. He led me to a huge room where some of the new manga were on display. That's when I saw Case Dark Angel on display as well. For an unknown reason this made me smile.

I noticed a familiar brunette man out of the corner of my eye, "Torez-San!" I quietly yelled over to him, getting his attention. He walked over to Jason and I rather quickly. He looked so adorable in his tux, I noticed Jason smiling at him. (When that man is smiling you need to run!)

Guests began to pour in like a dam had broken. There were hundreds of people in the room. I hadn't seen this many people in one room before?, it was incredible. Jason introduce me to several of the well known authors and even some that had done some of my favorite literature.

We were 2 hours into the event and I was already ready to go home and crash for a week.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Suzuki Rose," a deep female voice rang in my ears.

'No, it can't be,' I thought as I turned around I saw same short woman with short white hair and violet tinted eyes, the same bitch who had made my life a living hell as a child. "Lilith," my tone was harsh and my voice was like acid.

"Dear how have you been? When are you planing to return to our home?" She asked in a happy empty hearted voice.

"Never. I have a home and I don't need to return to that hell hole you called home." I replied looking at her with hate filled eyes.

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