Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Its Asabelle!! I want to tell you guys that every time you guys comment or vote for these stories it just makes me the happiest person alive. So thank you all please continue reading, it makes me super happy!


The days have passed and Jason had indeed tended rather diligently to my wounds. My slim body still felt a little pain, but not enough to render me immobile.

I was now stuck living with a man I hardly knew, he didn't seem to enthralled by the idea of having some random girl living in his house (well it's actually an apartment), but it was that or he'd probably be dead now. So he choose the only logical reason, and in exchange I prepare meals, and keep everything nice and orderly.

[A few days after he had saved me]

I woke up, and got out of bed. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and noticed that Jason-San was already awake, walked up to him and asked, "Why are you up so early?"

He answered, "I have work today."

Work? Where the hell did he work? "Where do you work?" I asked trying to get more information.

"Marukawa Publishing," he replied blunt as ever.

I sighed, "You do realize I have to follow you wherever you go, right?

He sighed heavily, "I know that." He paused, "They recently  put in a giant beanbag thing in the corner next to my desk, if you really have to follow me then you'll have to go through hell week, and stay there ninety percent of the time."

I nodded, "Understood, I'll stay out of your way. But... since you work at a publishing company it shouldn't be that much trouble to get me some good books then?"  In truth I'm a bookworm, I love book, as long as they were filled with a good story I'd be happy.

"I believe that shouldn't be that big of a problem" he said sipping his coffee.  I went to 'my room' to get ready, two minutes later I was ready to go out the door. Jason gave me an odd look, "You look like you should be going to work," I heard him chuckle. I was wearing a soft black zip up sweatshirt with a deep blue pull over vest over top of it, and black jeans.

An hour and a half later, we left the apartment, as we were leaving, the door to the neighbors' apartment swung open. It was a little bit shorter brunette man, with great big emerald eyes.

"G-good morning Jason-San," said the green eyes brunette.

Jason looked at me then at the brunette, "can he not see you?"

"Do you want him too?" I asked, Jason nodded, the man gasped as he saw me.

I looked over at him, "good morning sir."

"G-g-good morning miss," he said to me, he bowed

'He's really formal, but he seems upset,' I thought.

"Hey are you two coming?" Jason said

"Yes," the brunette and I said in unison. We walked to the elevator, and got in, Jason pushed the ground floor button and we began our descent.

"Ritsu this is Rose Suzuki, she'll be staying with me for a while. Rose," he paused and turned to the brunette, "this is Ritsu Torez."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Torez-San." I said in a cheery voice. The elevator pinged and signaled us that we had reached our floor. We left the elevator and went to the garage, there Jason instructed me to get in the back seat, I did as I was told and climbs into the back seat of his car. It was a quick and quiet ride to the Marukawa. When Jason parked the car I jumped out as soon as Ritsu opened the door. I'll admit I hate small enclosed spaces. But it was more than made up for when we got up to the third floor manga editing floor. We walked in and all eyes were on me. I heard whispers and mumbles, it became really annoying really fast. Jason pointed to the beanbag chair in the corner and I went over and fluffed it up. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, as I turned around I saw a young man, he looked considerably younger than myself. (I'm 27 years old). He held up a large stack of books.

"Hi miss Suzuki. I'm Luke Shouta. Jason-San asked that I bring you some of the pieces of literature that we published."

"Oh thank you Luke-san," I replied as I took the books. There were so many. I'd definitely have plenty to do for the next couple of hours or so. I sat in the beanbag chair and began to read the first book, Book of murder.

I went through the entire stack of books. Each book was roughly 400 pages and I went through 17 books. I heard Luke-San say, "Jason-san I'm going to get lunch what me to bring you back anything?"

"Yea, bring me back a number one with a Pepsi or coke, Suzuki-San would you like anything?" He asked

"Um, yes please, can you get me a salad and a soda? Any soda that's not diet would be great." I replied, Luke nodded and left.

He came back and handed Jason what looked like a burger, and some drink. Then he handed me a coke, and my salad, it had chicken and what also looked like ham, my two favorites, "thank you so much," I said. He gave me a smile and went back to the desk to eat his food. I happily ate my food and after that I spoke up, "h-hey Jason-san?"

"Yea?" He replied glancing over at me.

"You got a blank notepad?" I asked in a quiet tone.

"Um yea," he said handing me the note pad and a pencil. I sat back down in the beanbag and began to sketch whatever came to mind. At first it had been a picture of an old friend who was killed in a fight with a demon. Then, before I knew it I was drawing those around me, Luke-san, Torez-san, and even Jason-san.

I got so lost in my 'work' that I didn't see people leaving until I heard Jason yell, "Rose! Let's go!" That snapped me out of my little world, my little world where everything was okay and nobody had to die. There were no demons of angels, no reason for others to kill each other.

I got up, set down the note pad and went to the elevator, Jason soon followed me and we went down to where the car was.

Since Torez-san was not with us Jason said I could ride in the front seat. The ride back to the apartment was a bit slower and a lot quieter than before. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a minute, then I was awoke by a sudden screeching noise and a jolt nearly putting me underneath the dashboard. I looked over at Jason then at the road, a demon stood in our path to go 'home.' I let out a low growl. "Jason, I want you to stay here." My crimson eyes flickered as I exited Jason's' car. As I walked forward towards the demon my armor and wings became visible, I was no longer Rose Suzuki, now I am the Dark Angel Rose. "Leave or else be slain by my hand."

The demon growled at me and bore its fangs at me. I raised my blades up giving the demon a warning. It charges at me I easily side kicked the demon away from me. I sliced the left leg of the demon off and it fell on its side. I watched as it struggled to get back up. I actually found it kinda funny. Slowly I approached the demon and pinned it to the ground. "You should have ran away demon." I raised my blade, then drove it down piercing the demons' skin killing it. The blade slid from the carcass with ease, its thick crimson liquid dripped from my blade. I turned back towards the car, only to be meet with Jason's gaze.

My armor, wings and blades disappeared and my eyes became their normal deep brown, I opened the door and sank into the seat, for an unknown reason I felt to tired. Everything began to go dark and I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

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