Chapter 6

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It's been a long day, I never thought it was going to end. It was almost ten at night and I was still sitting at the office with Jason, everyone else had already gone home for the night while the editor and chief was still sitting at his desk.

He was at least kind enough to give me some more books to keep me occupied.

After a few more hours I finally heard Jason close his laptop, "Rose are you ready to go?"

I looked up and nodded, "I've been ready for a while." I took one of the books with me. It was a very good suspense novel about a boy being mysterious murdered and a female detective attempting to find his killer. It was rather intriguing.

I heard the elevator ding as the door slid open to indicate that we had arrived at the our floor, as we were walking out Jason said, "Hey do you want to get take out tonight?"

"Uh yea sure," I replied. In all honesty I had no interest in cooking tonight so it was nice when he offered take out.

We had taken his car today, so we stopped on the way 'home' to get something. Surprisingly the food was pretty good. I hadn't ever had take out before so it was a good change of pace.

After dinner, I cleaned the few dishes we had used. After that I sat on the couch and began drawing the next volume of my manga. (Even though I've already drawn the first three) "you know, you're probably going to be the only authors I won't have to constantly yell at to get the manuscript in on time," Jason said from his position on the floor.

I laughed lightly, "I do have a rather persistent work ethic so probably." I heard Jason laugh at my little comment it was a rare thing that he would laugh. Well then again I never laughed not since they died. A look of sadness settled in my eyes.

"Rose what's the matter" Jason asked me

"It's nothing," I replied, quickly turning my head to the side. To avoid his question.

"Okay," he said clearly unconvinced, "Anyway there's a party for the manga department and there will be a lot of the other manga artists there."

"Not a party type," I said turning my attention to the amber eyed man on the floor.

"Well the sucks to be you because I have to go so therefore so do you," he said smirking.

I sighed verily heavily and looked down at my manga, then back at him, "and as your guardian against the demons I must follow you wherever you go." 'Damn you Jason!' I handed him the manuscript, "look over this." I said very sternly.

He looked over it, "How is it that your manga never needs any changes?" He handed the sketch book back up to me.

"I don't know," I replied taking the book "so when is this party?"

"In a few days" he was so blunt, it slightly pissed me off.

I sighed heavily again, "alright."

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