Chapter 13

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I soared through the night sky towards the east, I won’t let you take him Lilith! I won’t! I increased my speed. I was over a thick wooded area, the same place that served as my torcher ground for thirteen years of my life.

A large mansion came within my line of sight, many guards posted outside awaiting my arrival. I landed right in front of them, I wasn’t going to screw around, “Where is she?” I asked in a stern voice.

One of the men pointed their gun at me, “Leave here!” He yelled. An evil smirk creased my lips, with my inhuman speed I appeared behind him, and snapped his neck, took up his gun, the sound of the guns loud bang blared in my ears. Several of the men ran away, but of those who stood their ground, paid the price with their lives. What Idiots out of the corner of my eye I saw a lone survivor attempting to run away, like I’d allow him to get away from me. I ran at him and seized him by the back of his protective armor which did the other men no good, “Now you're going to take me to that bitch of a boss you have,” I said in a emotionless voice.

“A-As you wish m-m-miss,” his voice shook with intimidation.

I threw him to the ground, “If you even try to run away, I promise I’ll kill you in the spot, just like all the other foolish mortals.” His whole body trembled as we walked up the stairs, to a large room that I recognized from every hellish day I spent here. My eyes narrowed as I opened the door to the room, there was a faint glow which I could use to see the woman I was searching for, “Thank you sir. Your services are no longer required.” I slit the man's throat without a second of hesitation.

Slowly I approached the short feminine figure that has made my life a living hell once before. “Times up Lilith. Where is he?” I asked in a cold emotionless voice.

“Who? That human male you’ve taken a liking to?” she hissed like the snake she is. Her eyes became tiny slits, “He’s right there.” Her slender index finger pointed towards an uninjured Jason. Thank god you're alright A look of relief graced my face, but that lasted no more than a second, for I felt a set of sharp fangs pierce through my armor and then the skin between my neck and left shoulder.

My body became limp and my limbs wouldn’t move. No matter how hard I tried I could not escape Lilith’s grasp. Blood trickled down my neck “You who has the snakes bite shall be the puppet and I the master, from now till the end of days,” with that I had no control over my body. “Now then my little puppet, attack the human!”

My body began to move against my will, No! Stop! I don’t want to hurt him!

“Rose I don’t know what she did to you but you're stronger than her. You  can fight this,” He had no clue if I could even hear him or not, but he must have had to had to try to get through to me.

He dodges to the side avoiding my wrist mounted blades, "Fight it Rose! Break free." He ran away from every slash and stab.

“That’s right my pet. Attack your beloved human friend.” Lilith’s annoying voice rang through the empty room.

He glanced up at her with a look of pure hate, “What are you getting out of making her attack me?!” He yelled up at the two faced snake captor.

“I’m getting revenge on this little dark angel who has disobeyed me time, and time again,” She replied with a wicked smile spread across her aged features.

His low growl reverbrated int the room, “Revenge?! You're the one who made her life a living hell. What more do you want?!” he stopped right in front of the possessed dark angel, “Rose! I know you can hear me. Stop this, break free of this bitches control and be free!” he held out his arms fully ready to take whatever was going to happen.

A gust of air graced his body, as he looked up there was I was hovering in front of him, “J-a-son,” I muttered looking at him with a deeply saddened look, turmoil spread across my face, by the way he looked at me he could tell I was was fighting with everything I had, I was trying to break free. A sharp object was forced through his stomach, he coughed up a sweet scented crimson liquid.

My breath hitched, N-no Jason… as the blade was ripped from his body, I watched as he collapsed on his knees, my body began to tremble as I looked towards Lilith, who loomed behind the human male. I lowered my head as my eyes narrowed, the crimson and black pigments melded into one, the dark aura that surrounded my body grew into a black cloud.

My head shot up, tears built up into my eyes, “He was all I had left, and you took him away!” I attacked her with my inhumane strength. You’ve taken everything! Now it’s my turn!” I managed to stab her left leg, her pained screams were music to my ears. “That was for murdering your own son.” I looked up at her as she hobbled around trying to get away, looking up at the lights that illuminated the room, a devilish smirk crossed my lips, “Are you afraid of the darkness Lilith?” I lept up and smashed every light that was not the one above Jason. “You're going to pay Lilith, I promise you that,” My voice echoed in the darkness. I could see the terror spread across Lilith’s face. “What’s the matter Lilith? Do you fear death?” I flew behind her, slashing her back and thigh. Her pained screams reflected those she had caused over all these years.

“You think I fear death? You're dead wrong, I am death,” She began to morph into the true serpent she is. Her legs began to mend and became elongated, her arms became part of her torso, her pale skin became white, scales enveloped her body, She looked just like the snake she truly was. Now you’ll be even easier to kill. Demons like your yourself only transforms when you're about to be killed.

I attacked the slithering serpent, slashing massive gashes into the the scaley skin. Crimson liquid spilt onto the ground below, some splattering onto my clothes and face. “Just die already!” Lilith screamed as I continued to take chunks out of her body. She attempted to escape but I quickly cut off all hopes of escape when I drove one of my blades into her tail, rendering Lilith incapable of moving, I then bloke of the blade to keep the wicked snake there. Agonizing screams echoed, such beautiful screams.

I approached the now battered serpent, with one blade still mounted on my wrist. “You should have never came into my life, and here you lay, about to be slain by the one you hoped to take control of. The perfect hybrid, that what you always use to say.” I said stepping in front of my childhood captor. “How does it feel to be on death's door step?” I asked.

All emotion left my voice, as I ran my blade through the older woman's chest, “Happy birthday, Rose,” With those final breaths, I severed her head from her neck. Burn in hell.

I turned away from the soon to be decaying corpse of Lilith Tyson, and walked towards the mortal that had taken me in, given me a  place to call home, and even a family. “Rose I want you protect you” His voice echoed inside my mind, as I kneeled down next to his body, “Jason, can you hear me?” I asked even though I already knew that he was no longer a part of this physical world. “Please come back, please,” I pleased I don’t want to be alone anymore. Even as one by one the season’s die and come back to life, “You said you’d stay with me! You lied! You made me a promise! Why’d you have to leave me too?!” I screamed at him hoping hed hear me but it was a pointless endeavor. He wouldn’t wake up. Tears spilt from my eyes. “Why does everyone always end up leaving me?! Tell me!” A light began to flow from my body, glowing silver and blue, “Please Jason! Come back! Don't leave me alone anymore!” A few of my tears landed on Jason’s face, without my noticing the were absorbed into his skin.

“Why are you crying? I told you I wasn’t going anywhere.” his soft voice purred into my ears.

My breath hitched within my throat, “How are you alive?! You were just dead?!”

“I don’t know your love must have brought me back to life,” He replied, as I began to hug the air out of his lungs.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that. Do you understand me,” more tears spilt from my eyes, they were not those of sadness but those of happiness. “Please Jason, I need you in my life.”

“Alright, I’ll stay.” I felt a pair of soft lips press against my own, a new sensation washed over me, 'Is this what love feels like?'


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