Chapter 10

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"No!" My scream echoed in the quiet apartment. It was a matter of seconds before both Jason and Ritsu ran into the room.

"Rose-Chan, what's wrong?" Torez-san asked, worry clearly written on his face.

"I-it was just a dream" I said holding back my tears. I can't cry in front of anyone! Not in front of Ritsu. I won't.

"Ritsu will you go grab a cool rag?" Jason said, Ritsu obeyed and left to quickly grab a rag. "That poison must have really kicked into your system, your drenched in sweat. Plus your fever still hasn't broken yet." Ritsu came back into the room with medicine, a glass of crystal like liquid, and a rag. The rag sent shivers down my spine as it came into contact with my flushed skin.

Ritsu then handed me the fever reducer pill and water. At least this time I can take it on my own. Last time it was really embarrassing "Torez-san how are you feeling?" I asked, remembering the previous night's events.

"I'm doing better. I woke up this morning with a major hangover but I don't remember having any alcohol," he replied with a sweet tone. If only you knew what really happened last night. The ring of the doorbell sounded through the apartment.

"Who could that be?" Jason asked getting up, and leaving the small guest bedroom.

A familiar, deep booming voice echoed through the entryway to my room, "Jason what the hell happened last night? You just up and disappeared."

"I already said I was sorry Yokozawa!" Jason replied raising his voice ever so slightly. I stumbled out of bed, towards the entryway hall to see the same man from the other day. His bluish black hair and dark eyes stared at me.

"What the hell happened to you?" His deep emotionless tone questioned.

"It's been a long night. So what's brought you over here? Besides yelling at Jason?" I returned his question with my own looking back with an emotionless gaze. A small bundle squirmed in the taller man's arms, "What's that?"

He set the small bundle on the ground and it ran around, "Jason's cat."

The small ball of fluff ran from person to person receiving love and affection from everyone, then the little cat came to me. Slowly I bent down to its tiny level, suddenly it leapt up, causing me to lose my balance and fall on my back. The small cat jumped up on my chest, licking me with its sandpaper-like tongue. "Hey," I said a light laughter escaping my lips, "Stop that." The cat was scooped up, and a hand was held down to me. I took it, and was pulled to my feet.

"Seems like she just loves you," Yokozawa said trying to keep himself from laughing.

I gazed at him, "I guess so." Jason led us to the living room.

"Suzuki-San might I speak with you?" Yokozawa's calm tone runs slightly hostile.

"Sure....," I hesitantly said staying behind, as Jason and Ritsu went into the living room. "So what is it you need to speak with me about?"

"What precisely are you?" His voice stunned me like a taser's electric shock.

"Pardon?" I asked, trying to keep panic out of my voice. "I haven't the slightest idea of what your talking about Yokozawa-San. Are you feeling well?"

"Don't feed me suck a line of bull shit." His voice boomed in the empty entryway. "You're clearly not human so what are you?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

Shit shit shit! I became frantic, This man from the publishing company whom I don't know figure out I'm not human what the hell am I going to do?!

"What are you two talking about our here?" Jason asked with his impatient tone.

"Jason," he paused, "Do you know what you're harboring?"

Something flickered in his amber eyes, an unreadable expression, "Yokozawa, I know full well what she is, I swear if you tell anyone or do anything to her I'll have no choice but to kick your ass old friend." Would he really do that? "Now then if we're done with the conversation are you going to come in or not?"

"Yea," he replied walking past me without even a glance. I followed both men into the living room, Jason sat down, I noticed Ritsu was curled up on the couch asleep. I walked in the direction of my room, "Where are you going?" Yokozawa asked in a harsh tone. All I did was glare over my shoulder as I entered my room. What the hell's his problem? I rummaged through a basket piled high with fluffy blankets and a few throw pillows, then I pulled out a soft grey blanket. Perfect I grabbed the blanket and returned to the living room. Ritsu still peacefully asleep on the couch. I crept up on them and draped the blanket over top of his small fragile body.

I saw a small smile appear on both the older man's facial features. I shook off their smiles and sat down on the floor, grabbing my sketchbook, I began to draw the next segment in my manga. It's emotional but I actually have fun working on it.

"Suzuki-san is that the next volume of your manga?" Yokozawa's voice came through the in audible silence.

"Yes it is," I replied finishing the extra mini chapter for the next manga. I can't believe I'm up to 17 volumes and only 2 of them have been published.

Jason patted my head, "She has an outstanding work ethic wouldn't you agree?" Yokozawa nodded. "Most likely to be the only other I won't have to yell at to get their manuscript in on time. Plus she has a natural talent for getting the timing right. I haven't had to make a single correction to her manga yet."

The hell?! Are you trying to praise me? Jason's cat climbed up my back and sat on my shoulder, the feline was light so I really didn't mind. I looked over at her, "What are you a cat or a parrot?" That was the boys breaking point. They both broke down in laughter, their eyes tearing up at the sides from their intense laughter.

I glanced at the cat then at the two dying men rolling around on the floor like children. "Are you two children done yet?"

"No," they both said in the same exact time. Signing heavily I pet the furry feline sitting upon my shoulder. Soft moans and groans caught my attention, I looked towards their source to see Ritsu-Kun shifting where he laid.

He sat up and a menacing aura surrounded him. "Shut. Up." He said in a stern cranky tone. This is not going to end well. Laughter seized and the room fell deathly silent. Ritsu flopped back down and seemingly fell back asleep.

A soft chuckle left my parted lips, "You two got scared of Ritsu-kun? That's absolutely hilarious." They both just gave me dirty looks and then returned to their side conversations.

"Hey Rose you want to make tea while I look over your next volume?" Jason asked, breaking the silence that had enveloped us.

"Uh, yea, sure," I replied getting up quickly. Worst idea I'd ever had, a sudden strain on pain caused me to fall, in the blink of an eye both Jason and Yokozawa were both at my side. I winced in pain as I was picked up and set on the other couch.

"Rose is it the wound on your stomach?" Jason's worried tone echoed through my ears.

"I-I'll be fine..." my voice trailed off as the pain overcame by small body. Slowly everything around me became back. 

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