Chapter 9

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His door burst open, he gave me a worried look as he laid eyes on the blood that soaked my clothes, "Bathroom now!" I obeyed and walked to the bathroom, my wounds were beginning to hurt. Jason helped me to take off my blood soaked t-shirt, there were several open wounds on my torso, and a few on my shoulders and back. My body ached with pain, the venom I had consumed wasn't helping either.

"You've seen better days haven't you?" Jason asked in a quiet tone.

"I've also seen worse," I replied. He pulled out a square container from the medicine cabinet and a rag. A burning sensation coursed through my body as he poured the liquid contents of the square bottle onto my wounds. I winced in pain as he dabbed at the wounds with the rag, 'I'm so glad she didn't hit anything important,'

Jason looked up at me, "You're probably going to be sore," he pause as he placed the back of his arm against my forehead, "And your fever came back."

I looked at his amber eyes, "I'm sorry you have to put up with all this." He gave me an odd look as he continued cleaning my wounds, "I mean, because you took me in and now you and Torez-san are being put in danger."

"Listen, you said that your family is dead, right?" His question made my heart sink.

"That's right," I lowered my head so my hair was covering my face. Liquid ran down my cheeks, 'no, not now!' More liquid ran down my cheeks. 'I can't stay strong anymore,'

"Rose you do have a family now," Jason said in a quiet and kind tone. My teary brown eyes widened, 'I do?' I looked up at him, tears still streamed down my face. "There's me, Ritsu, the rest of the boys. We're your family now."

"Thank you," my voice was consumed with joyous sadness. Jason gave me a small smile. Tears continued to flow as Jason bandaged and wrapped my wounds.

"Please don't feel as if you have to be some kind of big bad emotionless body guard. I sort of know the pain you went through, so if you need someone come to me okay?" Jason asked as he finished wrapping the wounds on my torso.

"Okay," I replied quietly, "So how's Torez-san?"

"He's still asleep," Jason replied. 'How the hell is he still asleep?!' A shearing noise echoed through the room as Jason cut through the gauze, then he taped the fabric in place. "Now then you should get some rest, I guess it's a good thing we don't have to go in tomorrow." Jason said, getting up from the floor where we were sitting.

A sigh of relief passed through my lips, "Thank god." Jason outstretched his hand to me, I gladly accepted and he pulled me up off the floor. The sudden movement made my head feel fuzzy, causing me to loose my balance. I felt two strong arms wrap around my shoulder and waist, then I was pulled onto a toned body. Calming warmth engulfed me and I began to slip into sleep.

"Come on let's get you to the bed," Jason said as he picked me up bridal style an carried me to my room. The comforter was soft and warm, as Jason set me down. "Stay put. I'll be right back with a fever reducer, okay?" Jason left the room, leaving to door open.

"Okay," I muttered, trying to stay awake. Minutes pass, and Jason returned, with a cup of water and a small red pill. He helped me to sit up, then pushed the pill into my mouth. 'One thing I hate is pills' I took a few sips of the water then the pill disappeared.

Mere minutes later my mind went dark and I slipped into a feverish slumber.

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