Chapter 11

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Hey guys, This is Asabelle,
I'm really sorry if this chapter is way too short. I've had major writer's block and I've also had a lot of stuff going on, But if you guys do enjoy this story please vote and leave a comment. Also If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below.

Thank you~
AsabelleReicotes ^W^

Soft moans escaped my slightly parted lips. I squirmed slightly but something had a tight grip abound my waist. Quickly I whipped my head around to see Jason holding me. "Mmm go back to sleep Rose," he said in a sleepy voice. 'I'll admit his embarrass is warm and I kinda like it... WAIT WHAT?! NO NO NO NO! Stop it!' I mentally slapped myself and tried my best to stay calm. Softly I sighed. 'I can't believe I'm in such a position.' I glance at Jason, who looked so peaceful, I chose to leave him be and payed back down where I originally was, and closed my eyes.

"Jason?!" My eyes snapped open when I heard a familiar voice. There in the door was a red faced Ritsu. Not only did he look stunned but he also looked pissed off. 'Great this isn't going to end well' Jason shifted but instead of moving away from me he moved closer, which made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Jason get off of me," I pleaded tying my hardest to get the older male off of me but my struggles only ended in pain, for my wounds were nowhere near healed. Jason wasn't kidding when he said I'd be sore, but this much pain is just rediculess

"Jason you cheating jackass! I hate you!" Ritsu ran out of the room, resulting in Jason running after him to console him.

'This is going to be a long day.' I got up out of Jason bed and slowly walked into the living area, where Jason and Torez-san were bickering like an old married couple. I walked right pasted them undetected, filled up a pot full of cold water then went over to them. "If you two dont stop Im gonna dump this on you," I warned, yet they continued their aimless arguing. I sighed, placed a few towels to catch the water and then dumped everylast drop of water on their heads without remorse.

"Hey!" They yelled in unison.

"What the hell was that for Rose?!" Jason yelled without showing the lease bit of emotion.

"That's for your useless arguing. You two sound exactly like an old married couple. Seriously!" I raised my voice slightly to get my point across.

Jason stayed silent, he looked at Ritsu, then back at me, "Your right, Ritsu merely over reacted to the situaton. That's all."

Ritsu growled at Jason then, "Why were you cuddled up with her anyway?!" Ritsu yelled in a insecure and clearly jealous tone.

"Because Rose kept having night terrors, it was the only way to keep her asleep for more than an hour." He replied bluntly. Ritsu must have relized that he really did over react because his whole face became a lovely shade of red.

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