Chapter 5

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We were up nearly all night. 'I feel so tired.' As soon as we walked into the office I fell onto my bean bag and began to fall asleep, when I heard Luke-san say, "Rose-Chan I hear you're going to be doing a manga and Jason will be you editor. Is that true?"

"Yea, it's true" I replied to even bothering to look up or even pull my face out of the beanbag. 'How'd they find out about that so quick?' I thought as I began to drift off into a light sleep.

"Oye Masamune!" A deep voice called. It sounded close but I really didn't care. I just laid still, hoping the man would go away and I could sleep peacefully.

"What do you want Yokozawa?" Jason answered in a blunt voice.

"What's this I hear you're taking on a new manga artist without getting it cleared with me first?" The man names Yokozawa asked probably looking upset or angry.

Jason sighed, "I don't believe I have to ask you when I asked Zen already. Which he said it was fine."

At that point I knew I had to get up and see what was actually going on, I sat up and sat crisscross in my comfy beanbag, "Who's this?" Yokozawa asked looking at me with a confused and angry look.

"That's Rose Suzuki. Our new manga artist," he replied. I rubbed my eyes and apparently that was cute because the other guys who were sitting at the desk all "awwww"ed at the same time. 'I'm not cute! Don't awwww me!'

I saw hatred and anger in this man's eyes. His bitter yet he appeared to have a soft spot for younger people. "Shouldn't you be in school or something?" He asked me.

"No I finished high school when I was supposed to be in eighth grade and completed a college major in fine arts and biology when I was twenty. Why?" I asked looking up at him.

He looked a little amazed I had accomplished so much but for me it was easy. I always excelled in school so it was too easy for me. "I see," he looked back over to Jason and said, "Do you have a copy of the manuscript?" Jason was already holding it up as if he knew the man was going to submit before he even knew I was here.

Yokozawa grabbed the manuscript and left the manga editing office. I turned to Jason, "What was that all about? And who the hell is he?"

"That's Yokozawa, he's in charge of sales," his answer was so blunt. One of the only things I hated about humans is when there blunt as all hell.

Luke-san spoke up, "He's also known as the wild bear of Marukawa."

"The wild bear?" That confuse me, how could a man like him be a wild bear?

"He can go a little over the deep edge and get a little, okay a lot intense. When he's dealing with sales and other things." He replied.

"Ah, I see."

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