Chapter 12

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Days  passed like hours, before I knew It a full month had passed, and Jason and I hadn’t had a single incident, neither with demons or work. We were actually getting along, Torez-san had opened up to me and kinda accepted me, everyone at the office seemed to know me and were pretty cool with me hanging around. Even Yokozawa-san seemed to get use to the idea that I would be around for a while.

“Hey Rose!” A voice called out.

I turned around to see none other than my roommate, Jason, “Yes Jason, what is it?”

“We need to have a talk about the next volume of you manga,” He replied in his normal professional tone. I nodded. The manga that has put my true life story out for the whole world to read.

 Jason motioned for me to follow him, like which I did. He lead me into an empty conference room. “So what is it you require?” I asked.

“You next volume needs a few more colored pages and according to your manga your birthday is in two day, is that accurate?” his voice was kind, gentle even.

“Yes, my birthday is indeed in two days, Why?” I replied in a slightly confused tone. It will also be the twenty sixth year since my parents were killed.

“Just thinking, that's all.” I gave Jason a really weird look. 'What are you thinking?' He merely gave me his signature 'Don't worry about it face' and walked away, leaving me to speculate what the older male was planning to do.

    Two days passed, I was sitting at Luke's desk working on the new colored pages that Jason had requested, it was a slow process that involved a lot of complex shading and numerous failed attempts. At times I wanted to give up and tell jason he could go kiss off but then I’d probably get my ass chewed, and I don't know about you but I have no interest in that.  

    “Hey are you ready to go home?” Jason asked, snapping me from my work.

“Oh,” I paused and looked down at my unfinished drawing “Yea, I suppose so.” I quickly gathered up supplies and threw them in a little backpack I’ve been carrying around lately. 'Why do I have a bad feeling all the sudden?'

We entered the elevator down to the main lobby, the loud ping of the elevator and the sliding of the metal doors made me unconsciously walk forward, right into a wall, a talking wall. “Hey watch it!” I looked up to see none other than the bear of Marukawa himself, Yokazawa-san. “I know it’s your birthday but you don’t have to be an asshole.”

I gave him an apologetic look, It’s not like I meant to bump into you jackass! “Oh please excuse me Mr. Gates.” I said in a semi sarcastic tone. 'Lighten up a little'.

Gates sighed quite heavily, “Just watch where you're going okay?” I nodded in response. “Good,” he looked up at Jason, “Are you and I still going to meet at your place at seven?” Jason nodded and Yokozawa began to walk away, “Oh, Suzuki-San, Happy Birthday.”

    “Um, Thanks,” I said in a quiet voice, I walked towards the exit ready to go back to Jason’s apartment and work some more on my special color pages Jason had requested.

    After a short commute through the skies of Tokyo, we arrived at our shared apartment. Jason unlocked the door and we entered the large 2 bedroom apartment. I went straight to what I’ve called my room for nearly 2 months now, I sat down at the desk that sat next to the large bookcase, that was overflowing with novels. I picked up my work and was making pretty good progress with it when Jason came in.

    “Here,” He said bluntly as he handed me a small silver box looking contraption.

    “What’s this?” I asked as I examined it.

    “Really? It’s an Ipod, have you really never used and Ipod before?” he asked in a really sarcastic tone.

    “Yes really, how does this thing work?” I asked tapping at the strange device.

“Like this,” He he pressed what he called the home button and then pushed little earbuds into my ears, then music began to play, it was one of my most favorite songs My songs know what you did in the dark (Light em up)

My whole face light up, “I love this song!” I yelled accidentally. Jason nodded and then left me to my work.

With the music I couldn’t hear a thing that was going on outside, until, Yokazawa-san barged into my room, with blood leaking from a cut on his forehead, “What happened to you?!” I asked in a concerned voice as I helped him sit down in my chair.

“A demon broke into the apartment while we were setting up for your birthday and attacked Jason and I, and that damn thing took Jason!” he responded with a sad look.

No, please god no! My demonic aura flared to the ceiling, causing poor Yokazawa-san to jump and back away. “Fine Lilith. If that's the way you want to play, then so be it!” I yelled.   

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